Mucha inspired Singularity Spring Painting and Making a new Veg garden

Spring has sprung in the Singularity future where machine and green combine


I was inspired with my gardening post this morning to make this Mucha inspired Singularity Spring painting.


Spring is one of my favourite seasons because it contains Hope and Relief.

For me, the Hope of coming change is powerful. New chicks are growing, seeds planted on windowsills in cold February are bursting forward,some even fruiting already. The air has a new light and traces of warmth; you can get your hands in the soil, dig a fence post, plan a garden. You can sip your coffee and sketch on the cool rocks of the shore, imagining yourself out there in the sea in a few months, gliding through the warm waters watching fish and sea life.

Relief comes in the form of shaking off those Winter doldrums. A relief of no more snow or shorter days. And what relief I feel after this winter! We lost power so many times. Yet, most clouds have silver linings, and my current obsession and series of Singularity paintings were born of the contemplation in cold dark Winter days.

And even though is was just meant to be a short post to share my plans for my new veg garden and show my seedlings progress, of course I had to include some art.

I draw or sketch every day so it makes sense to make this mornings piece be about this post

I thought it'd be fun to do a version of Spring, much like many artists have done. One of my favourite's is Mucha's Spring in his series Four Season. I thought it's be fun to do a take on that but with one of my Singularity creatures. As I am often daydreaming in that world, it makes sense.

I'm not sure she'll ever be more than this sketch and watercolour (that is to say if I will make her a more detailed oil) but she lives and breaths quite happily in this form.

Now, this post was meant to be about plants and gardens. And as we have had such a wretched Winter this year, I started my Seedlings at the end of January, which is a bit early, and then added more Summer bulbs and such around Early March.

Here they are: You can see I have filled every possible space on the windowsills that face the warm sun.


I was worried that my cukes were beginning to blossom already, as it is still far too cold to go outside for them, so I used a paintbrush and pollinated them myself. I wasn't sure if it would work, but you can see the little guys forming.

This year I have also planted some Summer bulbs for perennial flowers and ferns and I am trying something new. I covered the soil around the bulbs with wildflower mixes for shade or sun, depending on the bulbs requirements. I also planted a few pots of these wildflower mixes. They are really crammed in there, but when I transplant them I will break them into sections, like plugs. Some might not make it, but these mixes are meant to be scattered and crowded anway.


I also planted annuals as well and here we see my green and purple zinnias getting taller and peering out at the new fence where they will live with the veg.


I am also making a new smaller veg plot on the sea side of Toad Hall. It is going to be an experiment for sure as this side gets endless wind and salt spray, which is why my main veg garden has always been on the other side of the house with large tall fencing around to keep the wind at bay. However, with my picket fence and the subsequent chicken wire needed to keep the rabbits out, I'm hoping it will cause a bit of a wind break.

This side of the house gets endless sun all Summer long, so I am hoping that as it is against the house wall, it will be a heat trap. It is very rough now and you can see here @winstonalden helping clear the brambles and such as I make a spot for this garden and a future porch as well.



Here you can see from this side of the new little fenced area ( it is only 8 foot deep by 20 wide) there is a lovely view of the sea.

And here I am clad in my wellies dreaming of coming warm weather and plants.

You can see one of the raised beds in place but without soil. That is my trusty post hole digger, exhausted from it's day of labour. I have made so many post holes I can't even count them any more.

Well, I shall close here. I have done my morning artwork and now my morning steem, so I have a busy day left of mulching and moving wheelbarrows of soil. A gardener/artists day is never dull nor too lazy.

I shall be looking forward to afternoons sat in my little veg patch surrounded by my growing plants sipping G & T's and sketching to my hearts content.

One's labour has to have a happy destination after all.

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

Check out my other posts:


My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

ADDENDUM. I think I should be using the creative commons license so it could be shared, but still uncertain if this is the right image or the right wording. If anyone from @creativecommons wants to let me know?

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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