My Green Sandal #Photography | Flip-flops and Indonesian Culture

Flip-flops are a typical Indonesian culture. They are practical and can be used in all fields. They are favorite stuff that Muslims used to go to the mosque.

Photo 1. Close up of my sandal

Settings1/20 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 250
CameraApple iPhone 6
LocationJakarta, Indonesia

These are my flip flops photos. The brand is Swallow, the most popular sandal brand in Indonesia.

What is a sandal? I have two definitions from two dictionaries.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Ketiga (Indonesia Language Big Dictionary Third Edition) states:

san.dal n footwear made of leather, rubber, etc .; sandals;
& mdash; flip-flops with links for the big toe and toes;
ber.san.dal v wearing sandals

Concise Oxford Dictionary Tenth Edition writes:

n a light shoe with an openwork upper or straps attaching the sole to the foot.
& mdash; DERIVATIVES sandalled (US sandaled) adj.
& mdash; ORIGIN ME: via L. from Gk sandalion, dimin. of sandalon 'wooden shoe', prob. of Asiatic origin.

Indonesian people sometimes call it "sendal". But, if the Indonesian people call "sandal jepit" ("flip-flops"), it means surely rubber slippers as in Photo 2. In fact, leather sandals that use flops should also be called "flip-flops".

As far as I know, there is no other country whose people are so avidly wearing flip-flops like Indonesian. These rubber flip-flops are commonly people wear to go everywhere: markets, mosques, coffee shops, rice fields, or for travelling. It is practical, lightweight, and comfortable to wear.

Photo 2: My green sandal on the floor

Settings1/20 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 250
CameraApple iPhone 6
LocationJakarta, Indonesia

I'm sure almost all 255 million Indonesians have flip-flops. If they bought sandals every five years, like our general elections, the number of sandal sales in this country must be very high. If the price is Rp 15,000 (around US$ 1) a pair, then the producer of sandals can reap revenue more than Rp 3.8 trillion. That does not include sandals they export. Surprisingly, the Ministry of Commerce has never published a report on the sale of sandals.

But, flip-flops are also forbidden objects in official places, such as the Presidential Palace, ministry offices, House of Representatives buildings, the regional police office, and army housing complex. I have never found anyone who dared to wear flip-flops there. As far as I know, if anyone tried to get in with a flip-flop, the guard immediately kicked him/her out. At Jakarta Police Station, there is even a board announcement on forbidden sandals.

Office workers are generally forbidden to wear flip-flops. But, their legs feel stiff if all day wear shoes. Hence some employees like to swap their shoes with flip-flops as long as they stay in their chair. If they were called by boss, then they wear shoes again.

Secretaries usually get trouble. They usually wear high heels that must make sore legs. I often see them coming in office with sandals, then replacing them with shoes during office hour and replacing them with slippers again when they go home.

Indonesian Muslims love to wear these rubber flip-flops to the mosque, for example during Friday prayers. Because all wear flip-flops, whose colors and shapes are often similar, their sandals are often confused in the mosque. In order not to be confused, they mark their sandals. For example by scratching it like I did with my sandals on Photo 3.

Photo 3: A sign in my sandal.

Settings1/20 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 250
CameraApple iPhone 6
LocationJakarta, Indonesia


Sandal Jepit Hijau Saya

Sandal jepit adalah kebudayaan khas Indonesia. Dia praktis dan bisa digunakan di segala medan. Benda favorit kaum muslim ke masjid.

Ini foto-foto sandal jepit saya. Mereknya Swallow, merek terpopuler di Indonesia.

Apa itu sandal? Saya sodorkan dua definisi dari dua kamus.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Ketiga menyatakan:

san.dal n alas kaki yg dibuat dr kulit, karet, dsb; terompah;
— jepit sandal dng pautan untuk jempol kaki dan jari kaki lainnya;
ber.san.dal v memakai sandal

Concise Oxford Dictionary Tenth Edition menulis:

n a light shoe with an openwork upper or straps attaching the sole to the foot.
— DERIVATIVES sandalled (US sandaled) adj.
— ORIGIN ME: via L. from Gk sandalion, dimin. of sandalon 'wooden shoe', prob. of Asiatic origin.

Orang Indonesia kadang menyebutnya "sendal". Tapi, kalau orang Indonesia menyebut "sandal jepit", maksudnya pasti sandal karet seperti yang di Photo 2 ini. Padahal, sandal kulit yang pakai jepit seharusnya juga disebut "sandal jepit".

Sepanjang saya tahu, tak ada negara lain yang rakyatnya begitu keranjingan memakai sendal jepit seperti Indonesia. Di sini sandal jepit karet ini lazim dipakai orang untuk ke mana saja: pasar, masjid, warung kopi, sawah, atau jalan-jalan. Dia praktis, ringan, dan nyaman dipakai.

Saya yakin hampir semua 255 juta penduduk Indonesia punya sandal jepit. Kalau mereka membeli sandal lima tahun sekali, seperti pemilihan umum, jumlah penjualan sandal di negeri ini pasti tinggi sekali. Kalau harganya Rp 15.000 sepasang, maka produsen sandal bisa meraup pendapatan Rp 3,8 triliun lebih. Itu belum termasuk sandal yang mereka ekspor. Anehnya, Kementerian Perdagangan belum pernah menerbitkan laporan mengenai penjualan sandal ini.

Tapi, sandal jepit juga benda terlarang di tempat-tempat resmi, seperti Istana Presiden, kantor kementerian, gedung DPR, kantor kepolisian daerah, dan komplek perumahan tentara. Saya belum pernah menemukan orang yang nekat bersandal jepit ke tempat-tempat itu. Setahu saya, kalau ada yang mencoba masuk dengan bersandal jepit, penjaga langsung mengusirnya. Di Kantor Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya, bahkan ada papan pengumuman larangan masuk dengan memakai sandal.

Pegawai kantor umumnya dilarang memakai sandal jepit. Tapi, kaki ini rasanya kaku kalau seharian bersepatu. Makanya beberapa pegawai suka menukar sepatunya dengan sandal jepit selama dia tetap duduk di kursinya. Kalau dipanggil bos, barulah dia memakai sepatu.

Yang repot biasanya para sekretaris. Mereka biasanya memakai sepatu hak tinggi yang pasti bikin pegal kaki. Saya sering melihat mereka datang hanya bersandal jepit, lalu menggantinya dengan sepatu selama di kantor dan menggantinya lagi dengan sandal ketika pulang.

Kaum muslim Indonesia suka memakai sandal jepit karet ini ke masjid, misalnya saat salat Jumat. Karena semua memakai sandal jepit, yang warna dan bentuknya sering sama, sandal ini sering tertukar di masjid. Agar tak tertukar, sandal itu kemudian diberi tanda. Misalnya dengan menggoresnya seperti yang saya lakukan dengan sandal saya pada Photo 3.

Jadi, sandal jepit warna apa dan merek apa yang kamu pakai?

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