Nina Wants to Sing #Macrophotography Experiment

It's been a long time since I've continued my experiment with Nina, a little doll who never complains. Now I put her on a branch of jackfruit tree in the corner of my house. After trying various positions, this is one of them.

Nina Wants to Sing

Nina and I can not be separated. Certainly. He is me and I am her. I'm really crazy to hear the song Stand by You sung by Rachel Platten (someday I'll write about this fun song).

Apparently Nina is jealous and wants to sing too.

"Teach me how to sing," she said.

You want to sing what song?

"Anything you can teach."

Good. How about "Stand by You"?

"Well, it's as difficult as a classic opera song I want too."

Try me:

Hands, put your empty hands in mine
And scars, show me all the scars you hide
And hey, if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you.

Nina tries to open her mouth to sing. But, failed. Her mouth is reluctant to open. Many times she tries to do it, many times it is unsuccessful.

Yes, Nina can not sing. She's a mute girl. She can only stare at the distance and fantasizes about being human.

I hug her. I want to give my voice to her so she can sing. I can not sing well. Just let her sing. Maybe her voice is as beautiful as Jessie J or Rachel Platten.

If you want to sing too, please sing along with Rachel Platten. Below the video.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!



Sudah lama aku tak melanjutkan eksperimenku bersama Nina, boneka kecil yang tak pernah mengeluh. Sekarang aku meletakkannya di sebuah ranting pohon nangka di pojok rumahku. Setelah mencoba berbagai posisi, ini salah satunya.

Nina Ingin Bernyanyi

Nina dan aku tak bisa dipisahkan. Itu pasti. Dia adalah aku dan aku adalah dia. Aku sedang keranjingan mendengar lagu Stand by You yang dinyanyikan Rachel Platten (kapan-kapan aku akan menulis tentang lagu yang asyik ini).

Rupanya Nina cemburu dan ingin bernyanyi juga.

"Ajarkan aku bagaimana bernyanyi," katanya.

Kau mau menyanyikan lagu apa?

"Apa saja yang kau bisa ajarkan."

Baik. Bagaimana kalau "Stand by You"?

"Boleh juga. Yang susah seperti lagu seriosa aku juga mau."

Coba tirukan aku:

Hands, put your empty hands in mine
And scars, show me all the scars you hide
And hey, if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you.

Nina berusaha membuka mulutnya untuk bernyanyi. Tapi, gagal. Mulutnya enggan membuka. Berkali-kali dia berusaha melakukannya, berkali-kali pula tak berhasil.

Ya, Nina tak bisa bernyanyi. Dia gadis bisu. Dia hanya bisa menatap kejauhan dan berkhayal untuk menjadi manusia.

Aku memeluknya. Aku ingin memindahkan suaraku untuknya agar dia bisa menyanyi. Aku tak bisa bernyanyi dengan baik. Biarkan dia saja yang bernyanyi. Mungkin suaranya seindah Jessie J atau Rachel Platten.

Kalau kau ingin bernyanyi juga, silahkan ikut bernyanyi bersama Rachel Platten. Di bawah ini videonya.

#blogiwankphoto #ninabobo #photography #photo #ksijakarta #bogor #indonesia #steemitbudaya #steem #steemit #budaya #art #canon #travel #life #doll

Nina Stories

Settings1/60 sec. f/4 18mm ISO 100
CameraCanon EOS Rebel T1i
LensCanon EF-S 18-55mm SLR Lens
LocationBogor, West Java, Indonesia

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