My Walk in the Woods • part 3 • The Stones Speak

This boulder reminded my of an ancient carving of a head..

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A close-up of it’s forehead reveals coral-like lichens…

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This guy musta keeled over decades ago.. his base worn smooth..

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Looking’ where the Sun don’ shine..

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Some nice lichen growth on these stones..

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Very old colonies of a variety of lichen..


Casually stacked a very long time ago, it looks like that stone in the Sun slipped out of position revealing a triangular window. But how did.. I mean it’s amazing that the rest didn’t topple.


Further I must go.. to be continued...

This has been part 3 of My Walk in the Woods.
Here is a link to part 1 • A Rusty Hulk.
Here is a link to part 2 • Massive Stonewalls.
Here is a link to part 3 • The Stones Speak.
Here is a link to part 4 • Relics.
Here is a link to part 5 • Sentinel.
Here is a link to part 6 • The Far Side.

All content 100% original by John Deecken • orionsbeltbuckle


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