My Walk in the Woods • part 5 • Sentinel

Finally I see the legendary sacred stone set upon a massive ashlar platform high above the surrounding ravines..

This is a continuation my hike at the corner of the three Connecticut towns of Redding, Newtown & Bethel.
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Hmmm... two sacred stones left atop this natural alter by the last glacier. The pyramidal stone receiving shadow from a tree aligned perfectly to the south.. as this is exactly mid-day.


Pulling back a bit from these Sentinels of Time.. we can see some of the exposed bedrock of this huge geologic structure.

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There they sit as move on..


Whoa.. the next ridge is another monster rock formation with it’s own sacred stone.

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Collis P. Huntington State Park



.. to be continued - one more!...

This has been part 5 of My Walk in the Woods.
Here is a link to part 1 • A Rusty Hulk.
Here is a link to part 2 • Massive Stonewalls.
Here is a link to part 3 • The Stones Speak.
Here is a link to part 4 • Relics.
Here is a link to part 5 • Sentinel.
Here is a link to part 6 • The Far Side

All content 100% original by John Deecken • orionsbeltbuckle


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