Who Am I? The Path To Enlightenment, Initiation 4 of 9

The age old question of "who you really are" is today's initiation, and it will one of very few words! Read on to find out why!

We say "This is my arm, this is my leg, this is my body" but who is the my that we are talking about. We do not say I am my leg, I am my body, because we are not our body and we instinctively know this.

I believe there are no words that can demonstrate who we really are better than experience, and so today I am giving you the opportunity to take this fourth initiation by doing something you have probably never done before. This is a very simple exercise that we can do very easily, and only takes a few minutes. Please don't underestimate the power of this as it is something that I have done and had a very strong and powerful experience with. So without any further words at all I would like you to find a mirror that you can look at comfortably, and if possible take it to a quiet and safe space. If you need to use a mirror that is attached to a wall then you can stand and do so. If you have a tablet or device that can mirror your entire head then that will work just fine too.

This initiation requires you to look into your own eyes and try to keep your focus mainly on the eyes for 9 full minutes. Whilst you do this, notice anything that comes up for you, and if anything unusual happens. I don't want to pre-empt anything as people have very different experiences and feelings when doing this. If you are someone who is uncomfortable looking at your own reflection then Please trust me that this will be a great experience for you. Once you get past 2 minutes you should see what I mean! If you begin to feel uncomfortable or fearful then it is OK to stop and you can try again if you like. If this does happen then just take a quick dip in nature and you will be fine!

I do encourage you to try this, and I will be Very happy to hear from any of you who do try it, so please 'Just Do It' and have a unique experience today!

Thanks you for sharing this Path To Enlightenment with me, it an honor to be sharing this most deep information with you all.
Love And Light!

I would like to share a very short video that you may resonate with by Sathya Sai Baba




Initiation 1: What Is The Greatest Conspiracy Theory?

Initiation 2: The meaning of life and why are we really here! A Story of Enlightenment Trading Ethereum

Initiation 3: The Path To Enlightenment, Knowing Synchronicity


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