ZOISITE - Properties Of A Healing Crystal




I See myself as the Queen Of Crystals That Know One Knows About. While everyone gallops and grins at the popular Rose Quartz & Amthyst, I reminisce on being that child with a rock collection stored away in a tin box. I saw all my stones as precious, beautiful gifts that were given to me by the earth that I got to keep if I liked them enough! It was only when I got older, the craze about cystals went into an uproar. I think it’s time I open back up my inner child & start my collection once again.

Receiving this crystal yesterday, This Zoisite stone is so beautiful— meditating with it I felt a realization of the energy I have been craving. Yesterday I put my hand in a bag full of colored stones as a way to see through oracle— my state of balance energetically. All colors of the chakra we’re inside the bag. I picked seven stones, & whichever chakras needed attention were the colored stones I was missing. I pulled the seven stones with my left hand, with one purple (crown chakra). One indigo (third eye), One Blue (Throat chakra), Three orange (Sacral Chakra), With one Red (Root Chakra).

The Assortment Visually Looks like This


With A Growing Baby In My belly, I do feel that ever since The Beggining Of this pregnancy— my body has been sacrificing energy in my Solar Plexus (Yellow) & Heart Chakra (Green). Now I see that my creative energy center has been overworking itself, to sustain my baby keeping my energy going. Truth is The two main emotions felt during these 9 months is periodic anger, along with grief. This anger & grief has mainly been directed towards myself. I’ve lost a bit of stamina in my life & I want it back. I feel that an intrusion has taken place within my aura, filling my mind with doubts & thoughts that are not my own. Because of this I haven’t been able to forgive myself for falling to this imagined place of helplessness. So I get sad, from feeling like my life isn’t my own... like I’m moving backwards instead of forward losing faith in myself from others low Energy leaching onto me.

Zoisite has made me feel that my heart needs healing, through taking back the reigns of my life, in the exact same way I took ahold of myself before. Through my Solar Plexus, I need to regain my stamina & self esteem by putting my needs first. Taking care of my body, working out, meditating, worshiping myself & casting our this spell of laziness that’s taken ahold of me physically for so long. When Zoisite calls to you, it’s time to get up & go, transmutations negative energy in our life while allowing us to live our OWN truths without the interference of others thinking.

This Stone Also reaffirmed to Me my Potential Card that I pulled for myself in my recent Post for Tarot Tuesday. This is a Really Beautiful Crystal, Very Happy To share these messages with the steem community. Crystals, Stones & Jewelry have profound effects on the body that encourage healing, agility & strength.






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