Magic of Crystals # 10 – A Crystal of Transformation - Malachite

Malachite is also known as the Crystal of Subconscious Mind, Goddess Stone or the Peacock Stone.

Malachite is a Green color crystal but the shades can vary from dark to light. It is a banded patterned crystal and banded crystals are known for their properties of self discovery and healing.......

Malachite has many stories, it is also associated with women as it is dedicated to different Goddesses from different cultures like Goddess Hathor in Egypt and Goddess Freya in Northern Europe. In Egypt the crystal was used during childbirth as they believed that it safeguarded pregnancy. This Crystal is as old as 4000 B.C. In the olden days of Egypt, the crystal was used much as a decor. They were studded in the Cutlery and used in Mirrors and also used as Eye Shadows.

It is found in the regions of Russia, Middle East, Romania, Zambia and it is formed from the Copper Ore. It is not a problem getting a Malachite and not much issues of getting cheated due to its natural banded formation, almost like Agate.

Image Source: From My Crystal Oracle Deck of Judy Hall

The crystal helps absorb emotional toxins and assist in inner journeys. The energy of Malachite is very intense, it reaches to the core of the problem and helps release outworn patterns.
At an emotional level we are stored with end number of programs and beliefs based on the past patterns and these beliefs at times ruin our life also causing psychosomatic diseases.
Malachite subtly helps overcome fear of the unknown, dangers, threats. The energy of Malachite gives you a boost and helps you stand firm in your power.

As it helps in overcoming your fears it also gives indication to any danger coming, hence when a Malachite breaks one should be a little careful as it may be a message of danger approaching.

You need to be a little careful when you get this crystal because it amplifies all energies around you. so if you are in a state of anger or suffering these can be inadvertently increased by Malachite if you are not in good control of your Crystal.

Malachite is a Crystal widely used by healers since it helps in maintaining boundaries. People in healing work are normally the ones most affected so having a Malachite around helps in rejuvenation.

Malachite is a Crystal for Heart Chakra but can also be used on Throat Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra as it helps in alignment of Psychic and Etheric bodies.

Malachite can be safely used by children.

Some Tricks with Malachite:
Keeping a Malachite along with Azurite helps with studying and brainstorming ideas.
Carry a Malachite during Presentations, Meetings, Trade shows for successful outcomes.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

"Crystals Amplify the Consciousness."
Shirley Maclaine

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