What is your favourite Winter Activity?

Even though it is cold out, there are many great activities to partake in during the winter. In fact, the best part about winter is spending time outside in the crisp air. Afterwards you come in to a warm house, place your wet boots and gloves over the heater vents, turn on the fireplace and have a nice hot drink of hot chocolate (with marshmallows) or maybe a coffee (with Baileys).
So what is your favourite Winter activity #teamcananda ?

Each week I am planning on listing one of mine. Last week I talked about Snowboarding
This week we are going to move onto:


This activity has a lot of similarities to snowboarding. The rush of the cold wind in your face. The speed of going down the hill. Bundled up in as much insulated water proof winter gear as you can get on your body.
Tobogganing (aka sledding) is a popular activity among families. Almost every local park has a small hill that you can use. Often people will head out to the local golf coarse as well, as they often have a few great hills (especially for older kids). The nice part about sledding is that the price is right. It is free. All you need is a sled, toboggan, GT snow racer or Magic carpet, and you are good to go. Often, as long as a friend has one to share you are going to have a great time.

Every kid from the 80's and 90's wanted a GT snowracer. These were the creme de la creme. If you have never seen one, check out the picture below:

Now if you are young, the fun is just sliding straight down the hill. But if you are a bit older, you start to do some crazy things. Seeing how many people you can get on the sled at once is always a popular challenge. Building ramps and obstacles are also popular. Just try to be responsible enough not to put them in the middle of the kiddie hills.
Here in Canada, it is even popular in your early twenties. Although it is usually done at night after the sun has gone down and involves some heavy drinking. Often your beers are just set into the snow piles. These are even better than a fridge. You have to be careful though or your beer may turn into a slushy. These branch of tobogganing is often referred to as taboozin.

Last week we took my son Luke out for his first toboganing trip of the year. He loved it. We will most likely go out again before the Christmas break is over. Here are a couple of photo and a short video:

At the end of the day, we told the kids that there was a contest going on. They had won first prize for having the most amount of fun! We gave them some trophies and they were bragging about it for days. We had a blast.

So get outside yourself and enjoy some winter fun!
I would love to hear about it.

And Dont forget to enter my 10 STEEM give away by entering here: Your Best Gift
Still a couple of days left before the post closes for payout!

(click on the images to view source pages)


Darryl (@dadview) is a loving husband and father who enjoys spending time with his family no matter the activity.
He is an active member of The Alliance and teamcanada
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