Simple Things That Will Make You A Better Steemit Blogger

Stumbling your way around Steemit can get confusing when you're first starting out. This post will help you become a better blogger on Steemit.

I've been here for a while now and there's always something new to learn. That's one of the things I love about this place. You never stop learning.

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One of the most important things I've learned is to forget about the money.

I, like you, came here because I heard you can make some money on this website. At least, the potential is there. I admit that was the reason I came here but what I soon learned is this place is not like other websites.

There's a community here that really cares about the platform and they love to contribute to it in their own unique way. How that takes shape and expresses itself is entirely up to you and the community.

Really, we're involved in an online social experiment unlike any other and it is constantly evolving into something new with each passing month. It's exciting to be a part of and a reward in itself.

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I have never seen a social media site give anyone a personal stake in the shares of that entity just be adding content to it and giving it attention. It's a unique proposition.

Our attention has a lot of value and billions are spent each year to capture it through advertising. Billions more are earned each year by selling our attention to those looking to gain it.

Companies like Facebook, YouTube, and Google insane amounts of revenue from content we provide them with for free. They monetize it for their personal profits and share none of it with us, the content creators.

Steemit has flipped the switch and rewards content creators for their efforts.

How cool is that?

So, if they are rewarding us for creating content then I learned to forget about the money and focus on the content and engaging with the community. That is the value we are being rewarded for in the first place, right?

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So what makes good content?

The topic is less important than how it is presented. Your voice and the message it contains is all you need to attract your followers.

What is more important is that you present your message in an easy to digest way and that is where formatting comes in.

Formatting? What the hell is that?

It's just a fancy way of saying having an easy to read structure to your post so it is, well, easy to read.

Look, people are busy and distracted and as good as your message may be readers don't want to have to work very hard to get your point. So make it easy for them.

Some main points to making your posts look readable.

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Quality images matter
In a post with a lot of text, research has shown posts with an image every 100 words get higher engagement with readers and are more likely to be shared with others on social media.

There should be an image on every fold of the page. A page full of text is a turn-off and it will start to feel like work to the readers and unless you're a great story teller they will probably stop reading.

Format your text in markdown
To learn more about using markdown read, MARKDOWN BASICS FOR BEGINNERS (ON STEEMIT)

Don't make your paragraphs too long
Again, it starts to feel like a homework assignment to your reader if your paragraph is too long.

Forget about what they taught you in your writing class and break it up into smaller bite size pieces with lots of white space and images around it.

Post regularly
Facebook is a treasure trove of information that we Steemians can learn from and there's something divinely sinister in picking Facebook's brain apart and using it to get people on Steemit instead.

Posting regularly plays a big part in attracting real followers, building momentum, and engaging with readers.

Facebook has done some amazing research on how frequency effects online audience engagement that you can read about called, Effective Frequency: Reaching Full Campaign Potential

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Read the FAQ
It is amazing how many people try to navigate this platform without reading the manual. When I started there was no manual but now there is so do yourself a favor and read the damn thing.

Or at least when you have a question have a look there first before asking anyone.

It answers almost every question a new user could have and it's right there on your menu.

You can also use this thing I've heard of called, Google. If you type your question in there and add the word Steemit right after the question most of the time you'll get an answer. That's how we did it before there was a FAQ section.

Here's the link to Steemit FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

It is a so helpful and an often missed resource.

Ask your readers questions about your post topic.

By asking your readers to express their opinions and to ask you questions they will engage more with you in a conversation. That's what makes this an online community.

Get them involved and asking questions works. Try it.

What posts and guides have you found helpful on Steemit?
Please share them in the comments below and if you have any questions just ask. There's always someone to help you out here on Steemit.

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