Buying Steem vs. Earning Steem - Which is Better?

Happy day to you friend :) Today I'd like to share an answer to a question that you may have asked yourself at some point. To buy Steem, or to earn Steem... that is the question. (see what I did there lol)

Anyways, when I first got started on this platform, I bought Steem because I was earning little to none on each of my posts. I knew that I had to acquire Steem somehow and truly become invested into the blockchain. Buying when I first got started was the only way I knew how to add Steem to my account.

As time went on and I started become more and more active in my publishing, I started to notice something... I am now earning Steem on my posts! The Dapps used to publish video content started recognizing my work and voting on it with a lot of voting power.

This to me was really exciting and I feel like it caused my brain to go into overdrive. I believe that there is something that changes psychologically in a person when they receive a large whale upvote. The result is to then create and publish MORE content of equal or greater quality.

Whale upvotes validate the work that you put out there on the Steem blockchain. Don't get me wrong, every vote, no matter the size, is important and very much appreciated. Remember this... what gets rewarded get repeated. Positive reinforcement creates a strong form of internal motivation that helps drives a person towards repeating that same action.


When it comes to buying Steem, there are ups and downs. The upside is that you can grow your wallet very quickly and not have to put in much work to get there. The downside is that buying Steem drains your fiat currency from your bank account.

So which is better... buying Steem or earning Steem? In my opinion, I think it is important to do both. If you truly want to get the most out of your Steem experience and build up your Steem Power, then you can build it faster with both buying and earning at the same time.

For me personally, I enjoy earning Steem more simply because it is fun and satisfying to my soul. I like knowing that I can use my mind and my creativity to change people's lives for the better and also earn at the same time.

Do you remember buying your first car? Did your parents tell you to work for that car and save up your money, or did they just go out and buy you one? I remember when my parents made me get a job and save up for my first car. Buying that car was the most satisfying thing in the world because I earned it. I worked for it and that gave me an amazing sense of pride and validated my hard work over the months at my job.


Tell me friend, which do you prefer? Buying or earning? Truthfully, both grow your wallet, just in different ways. Right now, the Steem price is sitting at $1.35 which is a steal. I believe the price will rise again so it is important to stock up now. Like I mentioned, I mainly do that through earning Steem because it is exciting for me and I find it truly enjoyable and satisfying.

Hope you have an amazing rest of your day and I can't wait to see you in the next vlog. Until then my friend, remember... You Are Awesome.

Take care.



P.S. Bottom line, GET STEEM NOW and don't wait until the price raises upwards of $3.00.

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