An open Letter to those who claim to care

At the expense of getting some hatred thrown my way, I decided to write this open letter to hopefully allow some fellow steemians to tighten up their arguments regarding Steem's current situation. This is to say, that as much as I understand their concerns and share their passions, some of their actions don't show the cognitive consistency to be taken seriously. With this however, I'm not attempting to call out someone specifically, because I understand and accept that such an action would be completely unproductive and might even have the opposite effect I am aiming for.

If we start an argument, a discussion with something along the lines of - "I know exactly what the problem is"- we have effectively destroyed any hopes that our points would land in fertile ground. Basically, the invitation to discuss the problem is not so much an invitation, but a "come, let me tell you why you are wrong" ego trip. The truth is that, possibly no human being on this earth reacts to that kind of "friendly invitation" with passive submission.

This kind of behavior leaves me and many others scratching our heads in confusion. From a sociology stance it can be fascinating, meaning that its quite remarkable to see someone boycott their own cause in the name of their declared unreachable victory. However, as someone who deeply cares about the future of the platform I can't help but to be annoyed about it.

Its important for me to state that this is not me attacking the intentions of the people who are attempting to help. Its obvious that most of the time they are good, regardless of the preferred technique employed. However, its also important for anyone who would like to effectively move the needle in the right direction to understand the benefits of dialogue and civil diplomacy.

Suppress your Biases, or watch your message fail

Might be the one liner that conveys the current message I'm attempting to give would be "messengers". I say this understanding that this is an extremely difficult thing to do, and that no one can do it effectively all the time. However, if this is impossible for you to do, I believe you may not be the person for the job, you may not be the correct messenger and you accepting this fact is step one.

I'm also not saying we shouldn't speak up, that someone concerns are not valid because they go against mainstream or anything of that sort. It's obvious that regardless of the size of your wallet, you have a voice and you have a brain. However, learning what is the right way of using that freedom is exactly what everyone who claim to truly care needs to focus on.

As an Idealist

I tend to understand a lot more than most those who are against the bidbots and what they perceive as a system that does not support ideals of meritocracy. But as a realist (the one I'm working on) I have to admit that merit is a complex word that does not solely infer artistic talents in specific fields. Music, Poetry, Art, etc are of course areas where talent and merit should govern, but humans and our complex system of social structures add layers of nuance to those absolutist concepts.

In other words, being a great singer, a great writer alone does not guarantee your success in the slightest. Anyone who has ever been self employed (which is basically what we are) has to understand this somewhat harsh reality of life, or watch his/her business model go down in flames. If this is painful to hear, if this is insulting to you, then I submit to you that your biases once again are robbing you from the ability to see how the real world functions.

Whatever solution we find to "Abuse"

Must be a win for everyone or it won't happen, and if it does it will be a disaster for all of us. I would like for you my fellow minnow, my fellow talent/time investor to pretend for a second you are not participating of this platform yourself, that you are sitting on a lot of cash you inherited and you are trying to decide if you should buy into the platform heavily. If in this thought experiment you can't see yourself doing it, because you fear you would lose it all, remember that simulated fear you just felt when you are talking to someone who has done just that.

This unrealistic idea that the money comes from a pool that is generated by the talent of everyone who participates of the platform, fails to take into account the fact that 99% of the content produced on this platform is questionable to say the least.

So, to be clear, to be absolutely clear about how this whole thing works. The "magic money" comes from the investors of the platform. It comes from the whales that we are so quick to call evil, it does not come from the youtube video I just uploaded and it finally got more than 20 views. If we can't agree on this verifiable fact, undeniable and verifiable fact, then we cannot move the conversation forward, because it will fail to take into account the people who are injecting (for lack of a better word) liquidity into the platform. In other words...

If you are not advocating for a win/win you are wasting everyone's time

Other posts by yours truly

• We can be so silly
• HitBTC fakenewsd me Bigtime
• Random Thoughts on Risk Taking - Read at your own risk
• our cat acting stoic
• So apparently

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