So what? I'm not willing to sell anyways...

You might be looking at the time this post is going out and wonder if I'm losing my mind a little bit. I was so tired last night, I passed out way before my usual bedtime so here I am, looking at the state of things, looking at the price of STEEM and SBD. Now, here is the deal... I'm not willing to sell a single penny right now.

Disclamation for the Nation

It's almost silly to me that I must disclaim these types of things, but I know enough about how the world works to know that if I don't, I just might put myself in a pickle, nothing against pickles btw. But enough of pickle talk. My point is that the "analysis" or my conclusions are my own and if you decide to follow me or not, is completely up to you.

However, I would encourage you to do your own research, talk to your peeps, go to church, do everything you must. But never, and I do mean never, just follow some random dude on the interwebs. That is how you get trevoned and craiged, and we don't want that happening ever again.

You've been disclaimed... you may carry on.

The focus on USD

I get the point that today we still can't buy groceries with STEEM thus making it important that we follow the price of it in USD. However, to think about STEEM in USD as a trading pair is not entirely accurate. Why? Because as far as I know there is no on/off ramps from FIAT to STEEM thus making the connection a little stretched.

The way it works today goes a little something like this. Peter wants a blog. He is told about Steem from the Youtubes and the internets and creates an account. Peter understands that he could do so much more if he had some tokens so he decides to blocktrade himself into a decent SP holding. You see, Peter has a good job and some of the monies to spare.

Peter takes out his wallet, goes to blocktrades and soon realizes he is out of choices so he reassess the situaish. Turns out Peter needs to open a coinbase account. Peter does his thing, opens the cornflakes account, buys a thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin and waits 12 days for cornflakes to release the funds. (this is the case currently)

After the holy 12 days have passed, Peter blocktrades himself some STEEM, sends it to his wallet and powers up. Peter is annoyed, he missed out on a good dip, but Peter will survive.

Poor Peter

The point I'm trying to make is that to enter the STEEM ecosystem or to exit you must pass through BTC, making it impossible to be as efficient to do so. Now, I know you are going to tell me that people can buy BTC somewhere else, that cornflakes is not the only exchange out there, yes I know. But, the #1 app on Android and Apple for purchasing Bitcoin is still: Cornflakes - TADA!!

Most people want easy, most do. If you had to tell Peter here he had to meet Jason on a parking lot to trade intangible tokens for monies, he might not feel too inspired. Hence why Peter is going to coinbase it, or geminise it, or something of the sort. Being cornflakes, I mean, coinbase the most popular one out there.

So... We should only look at BTC/STEEM

Yes and no... I mean, yes. If we are thinking about trading, if that is what we are focusing on, making "them gains" then we should be thinking in Satoshis and not in Benjaminis. Now, I know you are going to tell me, well some of you are, that Satoshi thinking is too abstract and it doesn't compute on the left side of the branium, and I get that. But, I'm going to be mean a little bit and say that if you can't Satoshi, don't trade. There, I said it.... (/me waits for flags)

Looking at Charts

Tells me we've still not hit bottom. Yes, I know, that just hurt you in the gut, but it seems to be true. If you zoomify the picture I posted here you will see that last year, right before the bull run, we went even lower. Now, mind you, the price of BITCOIN was higher so we thought we were doing better. But, as Peter's conundrum has explained to us, this is nothing but self bamboozlin and nothing more. Can we go lower? Maybe, maybe we will. But, Believe it or not, I'm not worried.

I say this not because I got crazy monies laying around and do not need to make some income with my efforts online, the truth is quite the opposite. I say this, because I'm thinking long term on this, and I'm focusing on the silver lining at the moment. I'm collecting more and more tokens every single day. Yours truly is right on track to hit 8k SP, actually no, I lied, I think I'm going to hit it sooner than I expected.

I think at this point in time we are going to weed out the weak hands big time. We will have plenty of people leave the platform. I could only call this a Steemian Exodus, because there will be many who will find the current valuation of STEEM not make it worth the effort.

I guess, I get it, I honestly can see myself having those thoughts if I didn't see the potential behind curtain #2. However, like I said, I'm not there, not even a little bit.

When will this turn around?

I have no clue, none whatsoever. It could happen today, tomorrow, a month from now, I have no idea. What I do know is that I'm going to give it my all, because when the next bull run comes and I'm sure it will, I want to be on a better position to take advantage of it.

Last year I took a crazy gamble. I was one of those guys who believed naively, mind you, in the power of the shitcoins and lost so much money, so much money, that I aged about 10 years in a week. So, here I'am with a PHD in shitcoinery and a completely different attitude towards this whole cryptocurrency investment thingy mcjigger we are all doing.

I won't short STEEM

Do not dare, I have no confidence it will go in any direction in particular. So, why take the risk? Not worth it if you ask me. I'm going to keep on hitting this blog hard, with the best content I can possibly muster. Keep on making friends, keep on growing the community and next thing you know I'm going to hit not 8k but 10k before the bull run starts.

Like the old saying says... You can't give what you don't have. Hence, why I need to focus on growing as much as I can, and that is where my head is at.

Anyways... Good morning my friends

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