Steem Alliance Weekly Update

Weekly Update


One of the main goals for the Working Group is to provide full transparency and open communication with the community. In the spirit of those goals, we will be doing a weekly update to inform the public what motions have been carried out by the group as well as an overview of what has been occurring in the Steem Alliance Discord Server.

We will be trying to include the overview of each motion here but all discussions can be seen in the "working-group" channel within the server. We welcome everyone to be a part of these discussions and appreciate the community feedback.

This post will be covering activity since the last update.


Working Group Meeting Minutes -- February 6, 2019

Our working group meeting kick-off on February 6th is recorded above. What was covered mainly was:

  • Sync on purpose, Working Group goals
  • Get organized with upcoming tasks
  • Specifically, discuss timelines and the call for proposals.

Since this meeting, we

  • held a town hall reiterating the purpose of the Working Group and foundation, as well as brainstorming proposal guidelines.
  • finalized and committed to working group guidelines
  • made our official call for structure proposals, and have received four responses so far.
  • held another town hall elaborating on the call for proposals (recording will be out soon).
  • held additional discussions via text channels, establishing a channel specifically for discussing proposal voting. "wg-voting-discussion" in the discord.

The town halls we have been hosting Sundays we expect to do weekly to keep momentum, give updates, and see how the structure proposals are coming along.


February 12, 2019

MOTION: by @llfarms To accept the following guidelines for the working group. If consensus is made, a post will be made on chain and all working group members will be expected to comment with "I commit" within a 36hr time frame from posting. This will show public commitment to adhere to the guidelines. Seconded by @jedigeiss

Approval: 10 | Rejection: 0 - MOTION CARRIED (Feb 13)

February 13, 2019
@Working Group MOTION: by @llfarms To accept the following as the official call for proposals and make a post to announce the beginning of stage one. Seconded by @eonwarped
Approval: 10 | Rejection: 0 - MOTION CARRIED (Feb 14)

What's Next

  • Now that we have a tentative schedule for proposals, we are tracking proposals as they come in and focusing on how to increase their exposure to the rest of the community.
  • At the same time, we are working on details for how the proposal selection will work.
  • We've seen some concerns about the timeline proposed, and are also working on establishing a more realistic schedule and breakdown of events.

As usual, for any feedback feel free to leave a comment, or find us in the Steem Alliance Discord Server.

Thank You,

Steem Alliance Working Group

@Ehiboss, @Eonwarped, @Inertia, @Jedigeiss, @Lemouth, @LLFarms, @Neoxian, @Reggaemuffin, @Shadowspub, @Travisung, @Twinner

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