📣 [Issue SF2-03: Culture and WorldMap?] 📣 Special Frontline Coverage of SteemFest 2 Lisbon by Steemit Weekly for CNers!!! 📣 SteemFest里斯本大會現場特別報導! 📣


This is the Special Frontline Coverage of SteemFest 2 Lisbon by Steemit Weekly for CNers !!

Previous issues of this special coverage:

Issue #01 - Announcement and kick-off
Issue #02 - Steem Mobile and Dollarvigilante's opinions

For what this Steemit Weekly series is about, please check out latest issue 09. For this week's special coverage, the reward will be share among reporters in Lisbon and editors in Taipei only.


此為本週Weekly來自里斯本的SteemFest 2特別報導!特派美女記者 @rea@joythewanderer前進現場,為您帶來第一手的獨家畫面與報導!以下為前兩期報導:

Issue #01 - 啟動報導!
Issue #02 - 手機版本?名人觀點及其他花絮

第 SF2-03 期 | 4 November 2017

--- responsible editor: @ygern ---


When Culture Vulture Meets Steemit World Map


The beautiful aspect about Steem is that it is not just a new technology, but it created a cross-regional community. Not many other blockchain projects like Steem which attracted so many bloggers, vloggers and content creators from various fields. All the cool and talented and enthusiastic people are gathering here on this platform.

Steem區塊鏈上各種展示多元文化的內容是非常珍貴的。我們CN區有一個翻譯計畫已經持續了兩個月——《文化讀癮.一週譯報》Culture Vulture for CNers),目的就是希望把這個平台的多元文化面貌帶到CN區。

The most precious things here are those contents representing cultural diversity of the world. The Culture Vulture for CNers project aims to bring these valuable contents to the CN community.

這是現場捕獲的 @eroche 本人!是的,就是先有他的 #CultureVulture 徵文比賽計畫,才有了我們的Culture Vulture for CNers。Culture Vulture計畫在短短四個月裡累積了超過900篇文章。

Here we have @eroche with us. He is the one behind the project “Culture Vulture” which then give birth to our "Culture Vulture for CNers" project. He has been talking to the Spanish curation team to bring the CV project to Spanish community as well. The project has been run for less than four months, but already accumulated more than 900 posts from authors around the world.

SteemFest真是處處驚喜。 @eroche@martibis湊在一塊,又是一個未來合作與資源整合的火花。 @martibis就是Steemit World Map的靈魂人物。看著Steemit的文章化成世界地圖上的一個又一個座標,這確實是另一個閱讀世界的角度。所以,Culture Vulture與Steemit World Map的碰撞真的很讓人期待!

Eroche was having a conversation with @martibis, the creator of Steemit World Map. They were talking about a very much anticipated collaboration between the two projects.

但這裡先要恭喜 @martibis,Steemit World Map是前一天的Hackathon其中一個得獎項目!

Congratulations to @martibis for his winning in the SteemFest Hackathon.

SteemFest 人物小特寫

Meet the SteemFestians

永續生活社區「Garden of Eden」( @gardenofeden)的發起人 @quinneaker 。是個非常有意思的Steemian,做的更是非常有意義的計畫。他在SteemFest短講裡,聊著他的手作皮革外套——當然,是一件符合永續地球理念的外套。

This is @quinneaker, the creator of Garden of Eden. He was talking about his sustainable handmade leather jacket!


@Starkerz was giving a very inspiring talk, regarding Steem promotion and responsible use of Steem power.

來自倫敦的 @allasyummyfood,分享她在Steemit的經驗。她說,她的YouTube頻道有三十萬個訂閱者,但其實並沒有給她帶來什麼收入。現在,她的Steemit帳號只有六千個follower,比YouTube少太多了,但這裡的收入卻是讓她十分滿意與開心呢!

@allasyummyfood from London was giving a presentation, also very inspirational. She has 300,000 YouTube followers but not earning much money; now the 6000 Steemit followers provide her a decent amount of income which is incredible.


@jerrybanfield performed a comedy show. According to our Angel Reporter, he is such an easy-going and super nice guy. It's very pleasant to talk to him in person.



Our Team

Correspondent 001 @rea - In Lisbon

My passions in life are food, travel, events and movies! If you love any of these, please check out my blog! Have fun!

Steemfest 2 is Almost Upon Us / 期待已久的Steemfest 2 终于来了!

Correspondent 002 @joythewanderer - In Lisbon

Freedom & Anarchy. Warm&Cool. I speak CN, EN, NL& FR. Interested in: Blockchain technology, Indigenous culture, Architecture, Modern art, Religious paintings

SteemFest Warm-up day. (Photos + Vlog 😊)

Editor 001 @deanliu [Project Coordinator] - In Taipei

this account will stay powered up above 10,000 SP forever. <--- Sorry, not a good description... lol

📣 Special Frontline Coverage of SteemFest 2 Lisbon by Steemit Weekly for CNers!!! 📣 SteemFest里斯本大會現場特別報導! 📣 [Issue SF2-01]

Editor 002 @wilkinshui - In Taipei

Adapting the Steemit world. Power up :)

Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 09 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 09 期

Editor 003 @ygern - In Taipei

Editor. Translator. Writer. Reader.

Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 07 |《文化讀癮.一週譯報》第7期:憤怒女神的愛情故事

Check out what's happening at SteemFest 2 Lisbon from @roelandp and #steemfest!!

Disclaimer - all live photos from Lisbon belongs to @rea or @joythewanderer. If you are in these photos and do not wish to be shown as such, please do notify us and hopefully you can accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; steemfest image from @roelandp; weekly logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker - a great designer.

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