Steem Gig: @steemgigs Offering; "Steemit Response Squad", Exclusively For Every Steemian, For Free!!!

NB: If you have unanswered steemit questions; need a service done or need direction/feedback on a subject; simply mention @steemgigs in a comment and we will be there to connect you, to steemians who can help.


There is need for customer service (steemit response squad) on steemit! Steemians are constantly in need of assistance, help, answers to questions etc and they need a fun place on steemit, to turn to!

 In many cases, to ask a question; steemians turn to one resource that is always available; "a steemit post!" They do this to get a variety of opinions, feedback etc. This is also the case, when they need directions, help with decision-making or a service. 

Since the birth of #steemgigs/#steemgig, we have seen the need to consciously connect steemians in need, to steemians indeed. 

For instance; a steemit post calling people to participate in a contest, may actually be a call for help

A simple example is seen this post by @richardcrill, inviting steemians to participate in creating his brand logo! It is plain to see that he needed a service and he was hopeful that a contest would draw steemians in. Depending on parameters, your steemit post may not get much visibility and your call for help, lost! This is where we come in! We ransack steemit, to look for steemians who need help and use the power of the comments to mention potential steemians, who may be of help.

This is ongoing and has been fun so far! It has been fun to watch friendly connections built in the comments and we have decided to offer this service for free and exclusively to steemians; 

A "Steemit Response Squad" courtesy of #steemgigs.


Here is what this #steemgig will offer:

Please note: (A potential steemian can be anyone and especially, steemians who offer related steem gigs as well as reputable steemians, who have been seen to interact well in comments and who are renown with knowledge of steemit. Above all, they relish coming to the rescue of a fellow steemian!)

Our Offer

1. Look for posts and comments that contain the need for a service, an unanswered question, a call for help etc and mention steemians, who can potentially help.

2. Look for steemit contests that aren't having much visibility and which indeed are potential calls for help; to re-steem, upvote and to call out the attention of potential steemians who can help. 

3. Look for questions in the comments or in posts especially from (newbies, crypto-novice, steemians in general); to connect these questions to steemians who can help.

4. Welcome questions to @steemgigs or in our discord server and get these questions appropriately answered. Questions can range from steemit-related questions; to questions involving the services of a steemian; or to questions from steemians, who are for looking for a #steemgig.

The overall aim of this is to combine both visions, from the two steemit growth-ideas below, into one and use @steemgigs to effect them:

@steemgigs = Steemit Is Beautiful + 5,000 Steem Gigs


1. Where will the answers come from?

Answer: Worst case scenario, we will mention multiple steemians who are versed, when it comes to steemit-related subjects and life in general and who have been seen to relish helping others. This has always been a community-driven project and steemians are like brothers. 

2. Where is the team from?

Answer: This is all community driven, so every steemian is involved. However, some steemians may not be fans of getting mentioned. So let us be the ones to do the mentioning! 

Simply put; if you see a steemian looking for aid and you don't know how to answer, kindly mention @steemgigs in the comments of the respective post of comment and we will be there!

We have a growing team of steemians, who have been seen, to love coming to another steemian's rescue. These steemians are also reputable and list is ever-growing. So leave the rescuing to us, by mentioning us or by leaving us a comment here on @steemgigs, with a link to the steemit post or comment in question.

3. What Can Steemian Do You Help?

Answer: Ultimately, let's be big brothers and sisters. Too, if you have time to exert your creative muscles, let's join the cause to reach 5,000 steem gig posts. This can only work, with your support. Finally, if you need a service, why go to Fiverr! Tell us and will send some steemians in your direction.

4. How Do You Know Capable And Reputable Steemians?

Answer: First all, we have a growing record of all the current steemians, who have created #steemgigs and we are familiar with what services they offer. As for reputation, the steem blockchain makes that very possible! 

Too, we have spent time on steemit and especially in the comment section, to identify the humans behind the steemians and with help from my team, it is easy to find reputable and capable steemians to recommend for appropriate tasks!


No special requirements! We are one big family. So every steemian must be treated fairly. If are not able to route your tasks to appropriate solutions, we will simply inform you and keep on the look out. At the very least, you will be getting valuable directions. 

Always remember to be on the look out for a steemian in need; then give us a mention. Else bring the URL straight to us in a comment or join our discord server and check out the steem Gigs channel!


Free! FREE! free!

Here is list of humble steemians that are we are still awaiting, to grace #steemgigs or #steemgig with their fun creativity:

@kevinwong @mynameisbrian @meesterboom @papa-pepper @kus-knee @dreemit @surfermarly @aksinya @merej99 @sauravrungta @lovejoy @zurvanic @ned @ausbitbank @uwelang @riskdebonair @sirwinchester @matt-a @infovore @pharesim.......

Click here for never-ending playful #steemgig ideas

Join The Cause!

Let's fully explore and exhaust the resources we have in our 'steemit community of reputable great minds'; exploring our steem technology in more profound ways and strengthening our bond, while making steemit a fun home and our reshaped INTERNET.

Let's serve the search engines and other social media with 5,000 #steemgigs and disorient their servers, to direct their attention to the need for decentralization and let's see what these 5000 #steemgigs will do on the outside, for the beauty of steemit!

(Remember, if you are on a steemit break, we will work hard to keep your #steemgigs live!)

Let's make #steemgigs or #steemgig as popular as #til once was! For we can!

NB: We say #steemgigs or #steemgig to cancel the effect of typos!

Your Boy Terry


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