6 Mindset Every Steemian Should Have

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Everyone of us, join steemit for different reasons, different expectations, and different strategies. We respect each others ideas, differences and opinions. However, I think, all steemians, especially minnows, should adopt these 6 mindsets that I am going to share with you.

I am still a 9 day old minnow but I gain this kind of mindsets while working online for four years. These mindsets can be applied outside steemit but I wanted to focus this post for steemians alone or people planning to join steemit.

I've seen other minnows easily gets discourage for earning nothing to few cents. Others thought that you can easily earn money on steemit with little to no efforts at all. There are other minnow who expects to earn big like whales but never bothered to make any efforts at all.

When we are still a minnow, we should not expect to earn big bucks overnight. Whales did not magically become whales. They work hard for it and though they are already whales they are putting a lot of effort, like 10x than they normally do. We should not expect to be spoon feed all the time. We must read, write, and "genuinely" interact with others minnows, dolphins, and whales as much as we can. In no time you will get their attention and everything will follow.

I've been adopting this mindset for years now but I got so excited about steemit that I forgot to apply this. Jumping around, experimenting. Thankfully, I was able to remembered it after 5 days in steemit so I started studying everything that I can. Following dolphins and whales who are giving steemit tutorials. Read blog posts and watch youtube videos for hours. Been applying some of the things I learned and so far it works.

Learn everything you can, as much as you can. Stop whining. Just learn and apply. In no time, you will earn the kind of income that you want.

And speaking of, I went back to my steemit page to check the exact names of the people I considered as my mentor when I noticed two notifications in my wallet. Clicked it and found out that I received a $20 tip from @tipu (Update: My bad. The tip was actually given by @jerrybanfield. I recently read his comment in my other post @iamrosallie/how-to-stop-worrying-about-what-other-people-think like few minutes ago.) See below photo.


It may seem little amount to others but for me, a 9 day old minnow, it's already a big amount. Thanks, (@tipu) @jerrybanfield!

What happens, at this very moment, validifies my claim that you should learn more to earn more.

It is not necessarily mean that your mentors should guide you face to face or one on one. You can still do so by following them and learning things from their posts or videos. You can also interact with them through comments.

I'ven been following many people but my top 4 favorites are @surpassinggoogle, @stackin, @trevonjb, and @jerrybanfield for they taught me a lot of things. Learned so much from them. I read most of @surpassinggoogle and @stackin's blog posts, and love to watch @trevonjb and @jerrybanfield's youtube videos.

If you have another dolphins or whales to recommend please let me know. Still actively searching for another mentors. Thanks!

Mentors are there to help us grow but we need to focus on our self-development as well. Reading one article or 1 chapter of a book, watching 1 or 2 videos related to self-development could help us become a better person. The more knowledge that you gain, the more you can share with other steemians.

It is easier to write if we can develop healthy lifestyle. Exercising or workout not only helps our body but our brain functions as well.

Most of us are always looking forward for the results that we failed to enjoy the process.

Growing is painful most of the time. We fail, we make wrong decisions, we encounter difficult situations, we get discourage, we lose hope, and feel like a winner from time to time.

Sometimes the most important thing is not how much money we earn or how many followers we have but who we become in the process and how many lives we touch and inspire.

As we experience our success in steemit, we must not forget to help minnows grow. We must pay it forward as much as we can.

So a little recap:

  1. Never Expect Big abucks When you are Still a Minnow

  2. Learn More to Earn More

  3. Find Mentors that Could Guide and Help You Grow

  4. Never Stop Growing

  5. Enjoy the Process of Growing

  6. Pay It Forward

Which one of these mindsets you love the most and why? Which mindsets you already have? And which mindsets you would like to adopt? Please let me know in the comment section below. Thankyou!


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Copyright © 2017, @iamrosallie and or rosallievaldivia.com. All rights reserved.

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