Why am I here on Steemit? (by @ace108)


The inspiration for this come from my reply to a post by @erroneous-logic:


For those who wonder what the little red dot means after reading, check this:


Why am I here on Steemit?

I'm not here for the money.

I'm here for the big money.

All I have gotten so far is small money

But at least it's honest money.

I'm no robot.

I'm here to share my thoughts.

Whether you care or not.

Even if my posts may not be hot.

Some day I'll get that gold in a pot.

Along the steemit path where I sought.

Just someone from the little red dot.,

Hope you all like it.

If you do, please vote. Please share any feedback you may have.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.

See my other posts: @ace108

Need to eat? Consider what I had for dinner yesterday is in this post: Introducing Minced Pork Noodle-Michelin conquest 1; 肉脞面-米其林星之战1

For desserts/sweet snacks, see this post: Snack on these lovely Bean Curd Tarts - 爱上这豆腐挞

#steemit #poem #poetry #writing #funny

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