I Woke up Today with 300+ Followers! Who Inspires you on Steemit to Keep Posting Everyday!?

I Woke up Today with 300+ Followers! Who Inspires you on Steemit to Keep Posting Everyday!?


Wow! Another milestone! I just hit 300 followers! This is so exciting to me.

I can recall when I first got on this platform, right away I could see its potential. Steemit is like no other community around!

I was inspired by some of the people here. The ones that started a year ago that keep consistency putting in work to engage and help make this community grow.
I believe hard work and consistency always will reward.

I wanted to give a quick shout out to a few of the folks that inspire me to post everyday:


One of the first people to caught my attention on Steemit. Her and I share the same passion for movement, adventure, being yourself, and PLAYING everyday! ;)
She is one radically cool surfer babe!


When I first starting learning about Steemit, this guys name kept coming up.
Papa Pepper. Papa Pepper. Papa Pepper.
Well it is a cool name. His drive to support the community really caught my attention.
Video Tutorials for new Steemers.
He talks on topics; homesteading, family, crypto, animals.
The "Steve Irwin" of Steemit! Check out his WILD-MAN'S WILD FRIENDS VIDEO SERIES
Wild man. Informative animal lover.
Papa Pepper is as cool as they come!


Dave is a man of consistency! You wont see him miss a day, when it comes to posting his beautiful photography!
His pictures always bring me to magical places.


Mr. Freedom. This guy will get you more excited about cryptocurrency then you have ever been! ;)
Thanks Craig!


Sweetsssj is as sweet as she looks. Super friendly, long timer at Steemit!
Takes us on amazing journeys around the world! She is an amazing photographer and story teller.
Her food pictures will make you want to eat your computer screen!!

Theses are just a few of the people I look up to on Steemit. The real magic happens when the whole community comes together to support each other.
I noticed this just yesterday when our friend, @darthnava mentioned his unfortunate medical needs.
I was in awe at the love and support that was given.
Steemit is truly a wonderful and powerful platform!

I truly believe we can all work together to help one and other out.
I am so glad to be apart of this amazing community.

Thanks for checking out my post!
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