#HHG11: Join Us and Let's Blog About Your Culture and Traditions

Hello-Hello Group #11 is back! For this week, I feel like celebrating again. My followers now 3500+ and my SP 600+. YAY! I feel so happy and blessed. Thank you for standing by me and growing with me from strength to strength. I sincerely love all of you!

I think it is not to late to wish Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslim Members and Steemians all over the world. May this Ramadan be a month of blessings, a month of full of forgiveness and guidance for you and your family ~ @ainie.kashif.

Let's get straight to the topic!

Hello! Hello! Group Topic #11 (#HHG11)

Last week we have decorated our blogs with flowers. We got to learn so many things about flowers, including traditions and cultures around the world. So this week, let's continue to focus on our Culture and Traditions. Culture is defined as the characteristics of a particular nations and people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

Always remember your roots, your cultures and traditions as they represent your identity ~ @ainie.kashif.

Tarian Gamelan
Tarian Gamelan was brought to Pahang and performed in Malaya in 1811 at a palace in Pekan in conjunction with the Royal wedding between the Riau-Lingga government and the Pahang government. The British resident, Frank Swettenham wrote in his 'Malay Sketches' record in 1878 about gamelan performances at Istana Pahang.


PS: Don't get lost, do check the rules below before participating. I have tried explaining it as clear as I can in the Rules section, hope it helps. Still don't understand? Post your questions in the comments section below.

How to Grow your SP (Steem Power)?

As mentioned previously, I have noticed that some of us are having very low SP. You need a higher SP to grow faster here. How do you increase SP other than purchasing them? The key to increasing SP is through a production of good contents (preferably longer), make good comments (preferably longer), and keep on upvoting others.

You are getting your SP earnings from below activities:

  • SP from Curation Rewards: from all upvoting activities.
  • SP from Author Rewards: from all commenting activities and posting blogs activities.
    The above reason is the main reason that we shall focus continuously on creating blogs, comments and upvotes. This is the Hello Hello Group and we shall do it the #HHG way.

How to Grow your RP (Reputation Level)?

RP grows faster with the number of blogs posted on your page, which means to increase your RP you just need to continuously post more blogs. This relates to our group activities that were tailored to make sure you progress well in this environment. By accepting my challenge in #HHG, it will give you more benefits in return. Hope you can understand why the format was designed as such.

SBD Giveaway for adhering to the rules and posting good comments in #HHG10

  • I will give anyone who follows the rules and can respond to my post with a good blogs and comments relating to the topic of the week and engage with each other throughout this particular week, a certain SBD amount.
  • I will count your engagements that are good, accumulated it and then I will pay you through my wallet the total amount after the 7-days post-payout done.

RULES: #HHG of The Week

  • You must resteem and upvote the #HHG post of the week to encourage participation and publicity;
  • Make a post or many posts, up to you but at least one post before #HHG of the week ends. All entries will either receive upvotes or tips from me. I encourage to further promote #HHG by writing about #HHG as an intro to your post. Also using the tag #HHG when posting.
  • Your post must be related to the keyword and topic of the week. You can write fiction, real-life experience, poem, cooking etc etc, just try to create one that can be related to the topic of the week. I appreciate a good blog (original and represent a high quality posting). This type of quality blog will receive a tip from me.
  • Once you have done the above, post a link of your post in the comment's section of #HHG of the week.
  • Engage in #HHG community activities, visit each other and comments on each other's post. I would encourage that you also upvote your #HHG friends blogs. Don't forget to copy your comments that you made on each other's blogs to below comments section of the #HHG of the week.
  • We encourage good, positive comments with each other (not only me) in the comments section. However, the emphasis will be on good quality comments relevant to the topic. Please use the heading ON THE TOPIC in bold capital letters for those comments which you would like to be evaluated for SBD. There will be (1, 2 OR 3 - for @ainie.kashif to decide) discretionary awards for impactful/useful comments that are not necessarily relevant to the topic;
  • Comments like "Nice Post, Good Post, Amazing Post, Great Post, I like your post, Thank you, Follow Me, Upvote Me" will not be counted;
  • Do not Spam; and
  • No vulgar words.

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About the Hello Hello Group

I was so blessed that I founded the Hello Hello Group while swimming this wave of Steemit. A group of great communicators who believes in unity. Interested to find out more, read the blogs below:

We are united and stronger together. Congrats to all who supported and participated in this project! We are all connected here because we believe in having a good community that is connected. I am so happy all the strong communicators that believed in creating good community accepted my call towards unity and here we are in yet another edition. I hope to receive your continuous support in this journey. My sincerest appreciations to our group members who took extra efforts by welcoming newbies and inviting them to join the Hello Hello Group! "All for One and One for All".

A united community that is well connected will make the Steem Blockchain stronger. Being charming is the key.

Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,
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