Keep Your Following List Clean! Some Criteria To Consider

I am seriously thinking on doing some cleaning up on my following list since I stumbled upon some porn videos while reading my feed few days ago. I blamed it all to my carelessness, I should have checked before adding anyone to my list of following. I am very supportive of newbies and have only good intentions of giving them a chance to building their followers list. However, the set back that I got from this method was, I was added by some unwanted users like those who posted porn contents and those weird and ghost users. If you wish to know who are considered as ghost or weird users, please continue to read till the end.

How to Block Someone in Steemit?

Do you wish to know how to block unwanted users from appearing in your feed? You can read it here How To Block Someone in Steemit?

True Followers vs Fake Followers

Also, I have stumbled upon some of my followings who unfollow me the moment I followed them. These users have been added to my Blacklist register. You can read it here A Test Of Trust

Criteria to differs Good vs Unwanted Users

And so in doing this exercise on my following list of users, I set some criteria that deserve the action to be removed from my following list as follows:

1. Posting or reblogging Porn Contents

Posting of Pornographic Contents - I found 9 users so far. As of now, I am only half way checking my following list... WHAT? OMG... how careless am I? And look at the tag that was used... Photography!!!! That's really a bad news because I always like to watch all nice photos using that tag... sigh.

Filtering is very important okay. These type of posts are tagged as NSFW (Not Safe For Work).

2. Lack of Quality

For example posting some photos without anything else written about it or just 5 to 10 words-sentences.

3. Blacklisted for Plagiarism

Continuously being blacklisted for plagiarism by the policing bots.

4. Don't Have Own Contents, only reblogging other people's articles

Not posting own contents but their page full of reblogging contents of others.

5. Lack of originality, a copy and paste articles from Google

A lazy work it seems, only copy and paste from Google without any efforts.

6. Lack of originality, posting Youtube videos made by others

Another lazy work of posting all videos from Youtube that were made by others.

7. Dormant or Inactive Users

These users have abandoned their accounts for months, example shown below.

8. RP (Reputation Score) Below 25

Just to ensure that the list is filled by users that did not get flag by some whales or policing bots.

9. Ghost Users

An example below shown a user who never blog but have many followers and followings.

8. Weird Users

An example below shown a user who only have these messages on their page. I found it very weird.

I hope you learn something new today and perhaps considering of doing some cleaning up yourself.


Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,
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