steemit radar

Steem radar.jpg

Don't we wish that there is really a radar to search for inspiration for postings that would guarantee success?

I know I made goals of putting up at least a post a day but yesterday, I was totally lost on what to even write about. Not that there wasn't anything on my mind but on the contrary, there was too much. So much so that it crippled me...

I was so afraid that my post would again be largely ignored and lost in this huge steemit ocean. I was overwhelmed by self-sabotaging thoughts and it almost seemed reasonable that if I don't do anything, I can't fail. Yes, I know it's crazy but the struggle was very real.

And I posted nothing...

That was yesterday, yesterday has passed, I know I failed my goals yesterday but today is a brand new day.

I found that steemit radar... It is within us, everyone of us, our thoughts, our feelings, our inner voices.

Having the courage to bear it all in front of the World is what I'm building up.

Taking this first step...

Unfortunately, there is no real radar for steemit, at least not the way that I wished. But the following are close.

Here are some useful apps and resources that I use to keep track of my progress.
My favorite is and you will soon find out why ;)

It's all just part of the journey, enjoying the sights and sounds along the way :)


Here's a few more from that little voice in my pea-brain head ;)






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