🐟 Full STEEM Ahead With These 10 Writing Hacks 🐳

Writing on Steemit.com is all about being useful, right? Readers come to your blog for information. You want to give them knowledge and tools to help them achieve their goals.


But being a good writer is about more than that. You cannot just give them information and teach… You must become a performer. You can’t just educate, you must entertain.

A successful writer makes learning fun!

Your content must do more than just educate. It must entertain. You don't want them leaving the theater- you want your readers to pre purchase a ticket to the sequel that hasn't even been filmed yet.

With that in mind here are 10 hacks to help you make the most of your writing.


10. Noted

Great ideas come first thing upon awakening in the morning, during that rushed lunch break, and especially in the shower. Jot them down! If you’re like me and just can’t to find a pen whilst lathering up, blue shower gel makes cool looking notes on the wall.

9. Just Write Right

Do not edit while you write. Get your first draft down so no small details slip away. Then hack away!

8. Disconnect The Dots

Turn off your phone and WIFI. You will get more done much faster if you do not have distractions. Keep a notebook and pencil beside you, however, as your mind will remember to buy a present for Aunt Jackie’s birthday or you ate the last cookie and need to order more. Jot these down in the notebook so your mind can be at ease, then Shop Amazon- Can't get Auntie a gift if you haven't earned a paycheck ;)

7. Opposites Attract

While you’re writing, read things totally unrelated. If you are writing an article series about #Whaleshares in your spare time be brushing up on the latest trends regarding your favorite hobby. If you’re writing a thriller novel, read a romantic comedy. You’ll be surprised at the connections or strange correlations! I love those little discoveries, they are always such a treat!

6. Question Everything

Borrow these 4 questions from George Orwell: “What am I trying to say? What words will express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer? Is this image fresh enough to have an effect?” Finish with these two: “Are there any unnecessary words- can I make it shorter? And Have I said anything that is unnecessarily ugly?”


5. Clean Plate Club

Use anything and everything that you see and hear, everything around you can be made into something!

4. Picture Your Audience Naked

Who are you writing for? Picture them, get a really clear image of them in your mind and write for them. You’ll have a concise path to write if you are focusing on the audience.


3. Just Keep Swimming

Writing isn’t something you’re born with, or something you will become better at overnight. As with anything, you must practice. And try different times of the day and night- you might find you write your best two hours before bedtime! The key is to be consistent and write something every day.

2. Show Me

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass” -Anton Chekhov. ‘Nuff said.


1. Give me a Sign

Write your most important idea first. Clearly and boldly tell your reader what this is about. You want them to keep reading, but they won’t even start unless they know what it’s about and why it’s something they need to read.

If you Steemit they will come.

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