Finding Your Steemit Niche


There are two ways to Steemit.

  1. Fishing. You can write about a bunch of random things in a bunch of random voices and toss it out there into the Steemit world, hoping you get a few bites.


2 . You can find your niche and write in a consistent voice and build a solid foundation of readers.

Writing about a variety of different topics works for some authors. Those tend to have a distinctive voice and their niche is random variety.

But for most writers sticking to one topic is the best way to go.

To find your niche you have to consider several things:

What are your passions?
What can you talk about day after day and not grow bored.
Is there a need?
Is it profitable?

What can you talk about day after day and not grow tired about? You will be spending a lot of time on this subject- writing about it, reading about it, interviewing, etc. You must be passionate about the subject because it does show through- your readers will be able to tell if the energy behind your posts is excited or stagnant.

Is your niche too specific? Say you are an aficionado of the brand of cowboy boots worn by steam train engineers in 1872. You may be the foremost expert in the field and know everything about this subject, but you’re not going to get a big following from this alone, and you will soon run out of ideas for articles. If your niche is too specific, consider branching out by also writing about the famous outlaws who wore these boots, who was buried wearing these, stories of train engineers and the rough jobs and lives they led, and build from there.

If you provide value to your readers and entertain them at the same time, your fan base will grow and with patience and diligence you will see your profits grow. Find a niche you are passionate about, research if there is an audience for it, and start writing. Do not give up- it takes time and patience to grow. Consistency is key.

Writing about your passion allows you to build connections with your readers for longstanding, happy relationships.

Just like with anything, you will get from Steemit exactly what you put in. Quality content and engaging comments will ensure your growth and success.

Steem on my friends!

Images via Creative Commons and Giphy

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