Proud to be a Steemit Groupie, but With a Warning

I am probably Steemit's biggest fan. Call me a groupie, I don't care, I will follow Steemit till the apocalypse. I'll hand sew sequins on costumes, sing praises off-key in my raspy voice for all who will listen (and even those who won't) while in line, and wait behind the concert hall in hopes I catch a glimpse so I can faint in a star struck heap of bliss.

Ok, ok, call me a groupie- I do care. Steemit is my Rock Star and I'm proud to be a Steemit groupie ;)

I am blessed to have a wonderful following of loyal and good hearted people, people who work hard and play hard. People who I am proud to know. I learn so much from my tribes posts, we laugh and we cry, and we are here for each other through life's hardships. We truly are a community in every sense of the word, and I am happy coming here every day.

I have faith in the platform. Steemit has changed so many lives already. And it will continue to do so. Strike that- the people of Steemit change lives. That is a more accurate statement. It is the community that makes or breaks it, and the community of is comprised of strong, generous, encouraging, hard working, supportive and ever giving rebels, rebels with a heart, who strive hard to succeed and know we all succeed by standing together for our shared goal of self sufficiency and decentralization and a better life for all.

But, sometimes dangerous wolves slip on in, disguised and charming in their wooly garments. And we are so used to the goodness here that we accept them as one of the flock, trusting them and embracing them with all our hearts because that is who we are.

Be sure yours is not the tale of having fallen victim to the charismatic wolf, sweeping in all sexy and stylish and holding all the answers, dangling the keys like manna from the heavens. His sweettalk melting us into a smouldering hot mess, saying yes yes yes despite the fact our little moral voice telling us no no no.

He is not to be trusted. He is the rebel with a shameful cause. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear, he will talk you up and make you feel orgasmic in your hope, all the while planning your demise. He is the fast talking grifter here for a quick roll in the sack and will swipe your purse as he's slipping out the door while you lay in a intoxicated sprawl with a smile on your face.

It was not personal. You were not his first, nor will you be his last.

He is the con artist. The scammer. The debonaire hustler full of confidence and lacking in shame.

Love your fellow Steemitzens. Embrace them each as they come into the fold, fully and exceptionally. But keep an ever watchful eye out. The wolf is sneaky, you will never see him coming until he is long gone.

Take care of you first and foremost. Only trust after trust is well earned, and still then never give everything. Remember some are dressed for the long game.

Love your fellow Steemitzens, but love yourself first and if it sounds too good to be true take a step back and just observe for a while.

If it sounds too good to be true...

...well, you know the rest ;)

Enjoy the Steemit tunes but go straight home after each concert and they will play for you evermore...

Images via Creative Commons

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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