6 Essential Elements for Writing Evocative Posts

Do you want to capture their attention and turn them into loyal followers? These 6 tips will help you attract and retain readers!

Writing Steemit blog posts, an essay for class, or other non fiction work uses many of the same techniques for writing fiction. You must grab the reader in the beginning or they will move on to something more entertaining.

If you want to successfully hook 'em, these techniques are cheaper than a fishing pole and worth more than all the bait in the jar.

Bait Your Audience

A good fiction story seduces you from the very beginning so you keep turning the page. Use the same tactic for your non-fiction blog posts!

When I am shopping for a new book, first I read the blurb on the back. If it sounds intriguing I open the book and begin reading. If it doesn't capture me in the first couple pages I set it back on the shelf and try a different book.

The one I go home with is the one that grabs my attention in the beginning and does not let go. I am driven to read more.

The same goes for successful articles and blog posts. What captures my attention in my Steemit feed first is the image and title. After I click on a post if you have not captured my interest in the first couple of sentences I will back out of there and look for something else to read.

Time is a precious commodity. With a limited amount of time for reading and a million choices on the web, you must entice users to read yours by presenting information in an entertaining way. Your first sentence must tempt the reader to want to read the second. Your second sentence must compell them to want to know what is in the third, and so on.

Tell an exciting (related to the subject) story or personal anecdote. Ask a question. Word your sentence so they will feel this article has something they need. Ask a question like I did at the beginning of this article. Or start with an interesting tidbit: for instance, if you are writing a post about how to capture attention you could write, "Did you know that the first 6 seconds are the most important in gathering attention? If you haven't in that time, you probably won't!"

Tell a Fascinating Story

You are the creator. You came here and decided you were going to be the author of a blog. Therefore you are presenting yourself to the world as someone who can do the job of educating the public with reliable information while subsequently entertaining them.

If it has been said before, find a different way to say it.

Calculus is boring. But if you tell a good story you can make any concept, multiplication problem, or subject memorable!

Your post or essay will be entertaining if you add interesting experiences or stories and use exciting language.

Instead of saying "Bitcoin is a good investment," you can say, "A teenager invested $1000 in Bitcoin in 2010 and cashed out a millionaire just seven years later!"

Tell the Truth!

Presenting the information in an exciting way will do no good if your information is false!

Do your research: I make it a point to check out facts not two but three times especially when researching on the web because anyone can and does write anything. Pay attention to little details when doing your research- those little details are often overlooked and can make your article stand out against the many others written on the same subject.

Play on Emotion

Do not get stuck simply presenting facts. It may seem tempting to use complex or sterile structures to sound more credible- unless you're a technical manual writer! Use imagery instead, and paint a picture for your readers.

Your choice of words directly affects how the reader reacts. When writing, remember that something you can picture or touch is better than non physical words. Replace "the market fluctuated greatly" with "more ups and downs than a rollercoaster." Your audience is not sitting in school so don't make them stare at a sheet of facts! You want them to experience the information you present, to feel it, so use power words to evoke powerful emotions and keep their eyes on your work.

Use all 5 senses. Writing is the only medium where you're able to do so, so take advantage!

Simple is Best

Have you ever stopped reading because the wording frustrated you?

Do not be that writer!

Eliminate unnecessary words and say it simply. Your posts will be valuable to your audience if you give them bite sized, easily digestible bits. Ask youself if this bit is important. When in doubt throw it out.

Keeping it simple will help with evergreen status- will someone understand this in 30 years?

Keep it short, sweet and to the point, and use easily understandable vocabulary.

Keep 'em on Their Toes!

You want to write in such a way to keep them on your article- they have to see what's next!

Life is full of surprises, as is fiction. Keep your posts and essays anything but dull by adding unexpected turns and twists here and there. (Paying attention to little details from your research helps greatly here!)

Be imaginative and you will keep them interested. And don't be afraid to experiment! Steemit is a wonderfully supportive and encouraging community.

And always leave them wanting more...

Images via Pixabay, Storyblocks, and Pexels

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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