You are How You Love

Love was the most hashtagged phrase on Instagram in 2017. Is this because we are desperately needing more of it in our days, or is this because we are seeing more examples?

Love takes many forms, but is the cornerstone of life.

I wrote a lot about love in 2017 here on Steemit now that I think about it. I wrote how loving touch is necessary for survival, how the lack of it is literally killing people and becoming an epidemic more prevalent and deadly than smoking and obesity, and most of my fiction involves #love in some way- here I did my very first Freewrite from @mariannewest to show that even cherished objects feel the destruction of being forgotten and unloved.

I even wrote an in depth study on love- over 20009 words. I spent many hours, then edited and proofread repeatedly until it was perfect, formatted it and located beautiful representative images to accompany, hit publish, and-... crickets. Vanished in thin air! II was soon to find that that was the beginning of the Great Steemit Langoliers, who ate comments and posts indiscriminately for several weeks! I spent so much time on that article that I have not had the time to recreate it since!

Love is absolutely necessary and loss of it hurts something fierce. Doctors have finally admitted that breakups cause physical pain.

There are so many ways to love, and a million more to show it. I absolutely believe it's truly the little things that count. Sure you remember that big, huge gesture, but you fell in love because of all the little ones ;)

A frightening thing I see so much of in my work is so many are scared of getting hurt that they withhold some of their heart in an effort to protect it. But, if you are going to be hurt it is going to happen anyway, and this is no way to live.

Living in fear of being hurt is living in a self imposed prison. You will not be able to experience all the joy, bliss, happiness, love, and yes, even heartbreak, that makes life. You will limit yourself, and that is what brings deathbed regret.

Love without expectation. Love without want. Love absolutely and completely. You are how you love <3

Images via Pexels and Unsplash

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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