New Users... Posting On Steemit is a GAMBLE at First!! Let me explain

As a new user joining the platform, bringing no Steem Power influence, no social media backing, and even no blogging experience will have a tough time at first if you are only writing blog posts.

When you are new with no following here, posting will be a gamble because your article will only do as well as your exposure, which is very little. You can write an amazing post that deserves to be at the top of the trending section but that will not happen if some people don't catch it in the new tab, in the first few moments.

This is why it is so highly essential that you comment on other people's posts. This is what gives you more traction and exposure. You can have nobody that noticed your last enlightening post but you can add your two cents into other similar posts and if you make a impact in that comment, it is very likely that they visit your last post and engage.

I have had some of my best responses to my posts and highest poster payout to me from commenting and then they visiting after. This is how you are going to build great thriving relationships with others that have major influence here. Once you have a few core people that support you, that will give you more credibility and exposure to others. Turns into a snowball effect of success and growth!

Building relationships on other users blogs is what will get them to visit your blog and be inclined to do the same for you. Repay the favor just give you the exposure to your blog you need.


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