One Trick I learned that Started to Make Me Take Action All the Time!!

Do you want to take more action?

Tired of procrastinating and not achieving the goals you want?

Let me explain a little trick I learned that opened up a world of action and new beginnings.

This may not apply in a smaller town that is very connected and friendly but you will get the idea.

For anyone who lives in a big city, this is perfect to demolish fear!

What am I talking about you say? What I was getting at is, in a big city many people are closed off from others due to safety or what have you. This gives off the impression of being cold and not approachable. This is good for this exercise.

The Trick I learned

When I took up the duty to become more social in all public spaces, the first lesson was to acknowledge anyone who passed by me with a nod, smile, saying hello, or even starting a conversation.

I never knew at first how this simple exercise would benefit me in such amazing other ways.

What happened was this created a pattern of taking action immediately once you get the thought of what you want or need to do. When I had any similar feelings from when I went to approach new people, which at first would always be fear, worry, pride, hesitation, and many more similar thoughts. I started to take complete action when I had any similar circumstances in any environment. Now I am taking more risks and excelling through life like never before!!

As an example, I wanted to shoot a Youtube video that I do not often do. When I had the initial hesitation and worry of how I would do or if I even wanted to do it, I again immediately just jumped in and completed it. Another example was when I went cliff jumping, when you are standing on the edge and second guessing all your decisions, you remember (which I did) to have a plan and don't let fear feelings dictate your life. Once those thoughts and feelings start to enter your mind, you act right then and there knowing this thoughts are not truth to you.

How amazing is that? From such a simple task I wanted to start to tackle in life to creating a flourishing life basically.

You too can demolish fear and similar feelings that prevent you to take action by that simple exercise of acknowledging everyone that passes by you without hesitation.

Try it and let me know how it has helped you, if it does. Would love to hear other peoples experience with this.


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