Who to Follow Daily or short WTF! (What the Fork?!?!)

"Write your story" is the sentence I am used to now since little more than a week. I am a new Steemit user, or Steemian for insiders. I have witnessed many great and epic posts already and hope to become well known name myself. That's why I write, basically. To get well known. But then again, this is my first week on Steem. And everything is like I am used to the last week.

But I felt a disturbance in the force. We all did. Everything stayed the same so it s(t)eemed. But the "write your story" invitation when submitting felt different this time. Steem felt different. I checked again but from appearences nothing has changed to me. Yet I feel it. It's like a craving deep inside of me. It's as if I have become a New Born Steemian without knowing it. Like falling in love for the second time with the same person (Not with my ex but that's a story for a different post).

It feels like I been Forked sideways. Holy Fork! And it feels Forking amazing!

What the Fork?

I lied a bit before which I am very sorry for. I knew exactly what was happening and considering the fact that Steem was swarmed with posts about HF19 the last couple of days I was well prepared. Ever since finding out about Steem I knew things would be perfectly in order. I have never felt more relaxed in my life since finding out about Steemit. And now I was not dissapointed. Joined exactly at the right time to see my work from the first week royally rewarded. It feels royally really since I made about $600 from my blog alone.

Considering the fact I have just posted about nine or ten times I'd say it's not bad at all. Of course some guys hitting that with one post alone but I have patience. And faith. Like I had before HF19. And I will keep that faith as my Faith Game is strong.


Aspiring Philanthropist

Now I'm being rewarded for my hard work. What does that work look like exactly? Since starting to seriously blog I can tell you I write about 2 to 3 hours per blog. That's after I figured out what I want to write about and how it will fit in. That usually takes me a couple hours too. From the moment I wake up untill I start to write and even then changes may occur. Last but not least I edit the post, look for pictures or gifs and re-read it a couple of times.

You'd think that would be it, but noooo, I didn't mention actually promoting my blog. So I spend hours after posting chatting with people, reply-ing to comments, commenting myself and actively join the discussion on Discord. That takes a couple of hours too resulting in my last few serious posts being rewarded with $100 upwards. Mind you this is my eight day on Steemit.

If you ask me what I want to do with my time on Steemit I will reply with, and I quote myself, "Being able to help everybody in need of help either financially or with my knowledge and power". There you have it, I want to become a fulltime filantropist. I'm not in for the money myself. I have four kids and basically I'm blogging for their future on a platform that rewards me to my likings.



That said it's time to put my money where my mouth is and come up with a fresh list for today's "Who to follow" as I desire to promote the wellfare of others. You might be on one of these lists sooner or later, and it doesn't matter if you are an experienced Steemian or just starting. If you are worth mentioning I will find you and I will add you to the list.

@sarahewaring Great posts which have not really rewarded her yet. But she's in for the long run and that's why she deserves a place on this list. Check out her great 10 reasons to stick Steemit out

@exyle He's from Holland (Where the hell you from?) Blogs about daily life in general but with great humor. Loves IKEA(Not really haha) Joined July 2016 so is basically a veteran on Steemit. Check him out for sure.

@craig-grant Crypto vlogger. Great guy with a very smooth voice. Down to earth. Enjoys his endless vacation. His posts usually rank up to trending daily so be sure to follow him to get a chance for curation.

@lukestokes Another crypto blogger. Shares his knowledge. Every single post of him is valuable so he's one of those you must follow. Also a witness. And you know that witnesses are the keepers of the balance in here. The jedi-order really.

@theywillkillyou was a fulltime Youtuber but is on his way to become one of the top Steemians of this moment. Joined June 2017 so only a few weeks and I bet he wont leave anytime soon.

@gomeravibz Not the most active user on this list but worth mentioning as he is around since the early days of Steemit. If you want to follow someone curation trail you should definately check him out. He is all about curation. Chat him up if you want to share a conspiracy

@berniesanders When his name comes up everybody, and I mean everybody, keeps their mouth shut. Around since the first day of Steemit so you know what that means; Someone with a lot of power. Be nice to him and keep him on your side as he will not hesitate to take you down if deemed necessary. Haven't spoken to him yet but I bet he is a nice guy afterall.

@gaming-trail If you are into games than this is the account to follow at this moment. It's hot and filled with great gamingvideos, daily list of gaming posts and so on and so on. Watch the launch of the upcoming games or check out in depth game reviews alltogether. If you love games this one is for you!

@strawhat Around since July 2016 but started posting only recently. I'd recommend checking him out nonetheless as he shows promising talent (and a keen eye for the curious)

@donkeypong His bio clearly states "Author, content curator, mentor" The date he joined states "Joined April 2016" so you better follow him and get mentored! If you make great content you will be rewarded. It's simple as that and basically what this platform is all about. If you're into mystery you might want to check this one out.

Special mention

@dantheman One of the founding father of Steemit. All hail Dan. Is active on a daily basis. If you are into EOS, Blockchain and Bitcointalk among other things this account has everything you need.


With all religions come Witnesses who see the miracles up close. As a practising Steemian I vouch for these witnesses

Allthough I don't fully understand the concept of being a witness I can tell that these guys are the reason why Steem is Steem. They are the beating heart of Steemit and everything that is connected. I will add one more witness daily for the next 25 days untill my votes are done. If you believe you should become a witness and deserve a mention please don't hesitate to either reply to this post, contact me on chat or discord (@cem) or try to raise your attention otherwise.

Cheers y'all and Steem on!

Previous post right here:

Who to Follow Daily - a short about Charles Dickinson

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