Steemit: A Flag A Day Keeps The Garbage Posters Away

The old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a saying that conveys that good habits lead to good health. In fact, our habits are central to many of our successes and failures. Therefore, it isn’t difficult to surmise that our collective habits on Steemit could be central the success or failure of the platform.

It is no secret that there is a lot of garbage content on Steemit. There are users spamming the same low-quality articles and leaving canned comments like “Nice post! I followed you follow me back!” Obviously, these lazy users haven’t put any effort into their spammy blog posts, nor have they actually read your article. So, how do we clean up the platform, get rid of the trash, and let the best content shine through?

We Have To Start Flagging Regularly

Voting power is precious, and we all would like to reserve it for celebrating the Steemians that deserve it the most. Unfortunately, celebrating great content is only part of what early adopters of Steemit are responsible for. We must also clean up the garbage and dissuade greedy individuals that are trying to exploit the system.

"We must convince spammers and scammers that there is no money to be made for the likes of them on Steemit."

I propose that all readers of this article make a small adjustment in their daily Steemit habits. Instead of going on a flagging spree, flag one piece of trash every day. I’m talking about the posts and comments that make you go “Seriously!?”. Start with the most flagrant abuses of the system, and flag one of those steaming garbage piles everyday. Internalize this new habit by remembering that:

"A flag a day keeps the garbage posters away.”

One full-blast 100% flag only takes 2.4 hours to regenerate, so this is a pittance of one user’s voting power. Also, if many people adopt this habit, there would be a substantial increase in flagging on the platform, which could prove to be very prohibitive to people posting garbage. Hence, less stuff to flag one day, and more voting power for the good stuff!

Keep celebrating great content through your upvotes! And to make Steemit even better, let's also flag something everyday that doesn’t need to be cluttering up this amazing community.

Do you think you’ll start flagging a little more on Steemit? Do you think this is a good or bad idea? Can you comment below and let us know about any initiatives you know about that are trying to clean up the garbage on Steemit? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a meaningful comment.

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