Overcome by Steemit Excitement: The Second Advent of ~Perpetual Editability~

"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
- Bill Vaughan -

Finally! At long last! "Unlimited Content Editing!"

This Steemit development has been a long time coming.

I know, because I've been jonesing and lobbying for this ever since it was first promised to be part of the release of Hard Fork 17 way back when.

The proscription against editing has been a thorn in the side of all serious content creators here on Steemit, ever since day one.

Even the ancient scribes had the option of scraping away errors with a knife (see example at 2:56 in the video below), or throwing away manuscripts that contained egregious errors.

"Making Manuscripts" - Courtesy of Getty Museum and YouTube

Restoring our ability to edit our work is—quite literally—the best Steemit news I've heard in years.

Yesterday, I was actually in the throes of trying to figure out a workaround for Steemit's restriction on editing older posts. I was fiddling with Chrome Developer interface, trying to see if I could hack in an [Edit] button in older posts... <sigh!>

When I hit my frustration limit with that futile exercise, I googled for any recent news on the topic, and was blown away to discover this:

"The release will include a change to allow unlimited content editing (beyond seven days)! ... Steemit has already created pull request 2826 to update condenser to allow unlimited content editing, which will be deployed to steemit.com after a sufficient number of witnesses have updated."
- from @steemitblog: 'Steem 19.10 Officially Released'

Wow, finally! Relief from an idiotic and unwarranted limitation. Thank you, Steemit.

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Unlimited Content Editing! Hooray!
Image courtesy of Anne Karakash and http://pixabay.com

Who needs unlimited content editing?

Any human author, that's for sure. As Alexander Pope famously said, "To err is human...," and I, for one am certainly that. But it has been extremely difficult dealing with this corollary to that quote:

"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
- Bill Vaughan -

Yes, to err is human, but the powers that be in the Steemit world of computers have really fouled this essential up for entirely too long. I am ever so grateful that they've finally come to their senses and announced this imminent remedy for such an egregious problem.

You see, I've been complaining about this for years. Here are a few of the articles I've written in protest over this short-sighted oversight:

🆘I'm Still Jonesing For That "Edit" Button! - Please???🆘
TIL... Now I'm REALLY Frustrated With the STEEMIT User Interface!😤
Seeking EDITABILITY Beyond Seven Days!
Can ~Anybody~ Out There, *Please* HELP Me? Desperately Seeking Editability...
Curmudgeon Grumbles; Steemit Needs More READERS!
Seven Compelling Reasons to Enable "Perpetual EDIT" for Content Creators

As perhaps you can imagine,

I got a little excited when I heard the news about Unlimited Content Editing. This is obvious in the comment I posted under that announcement:

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My comment on hearing the good news... ~ Original Image by @creatr

I'm not alone.

In these other comments below the announcement article, you'll discover that I am not the only one rejoicing at the prospect of this change:

"Love the unlimited editing idea - as there's plenty of times when I've noticed a spelling mistake or where I miss said something and I wish I could go back and alter or fix but I'm unable to because of the 7-Day window."

"...the ability to EDIT past seven days is very welcome... because it (in essence) enables a broad-based ability to keep content "evergreen." ...

"Why does it MATTER? Because Google likes Steemit! But Google DISlikes "stale" content. And their algorithms (which — in terms of complexity — put the Internal Revenue Code to shame!) will increasingly "bury" stale and out-of-date content."

"goes back and revises everything ever written :) ok, maybe not.. but super stoked about this!"

"Being able to go back and update locked in content to keep well ranking posts relevant is a pretty wide-ranging addition to a release that already has a lot of great implications for performance and stability."

"Editing beyond 7 days!!! At last, I am so happy about this. There is nothing worse than looking at old posts and seeing some icky grammar of your own making."

"Not only grammar, but if new information gets out for a particular news story, you can edit to add a correction or link to a new article with recent developments."

"As a content creator, I am very excited about the ability to edit posts that require it."

"Congrats on the unlimited editing idea. That will really help the "professional" writers/bloggers who are continually expanding and updating their material."

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Finally, Steemit EDITING!
Image courtesy of Gianni Crestani and http://pixabay.com

"unlimited editing is great. this will fix a potential issue of content owners coming after steemit for plagiarized content that couldn't be removed."

"The unlimited edit feature is a killer! It has been a very long time I've waiting for this!"

"Unlimited editing is definitely a step in the right direction. This will not only allow us to correct mistakes, but also to add links to newer posts. Since I post how to articles on visualization where later posts often related to older posts, this is a big deal."

"This is a really good thing for Steemit."

"Unlimited editing was "The First" thing I realized would make a lot of sense to implement in this great platform."

"Wow! The ability to edit posts past 7days. That's the one factor that has been holding a lot of development. Can't wait!"

"I'm very happy to see the unlimited editing! That has been a source of frustration for a long time."

"The unlimited content editing is finally there ! I saw it on the GitHub some weeks ago and have been patiently waiting for it to get released ever since !"

"“Unlimited content editing (past seven days)”,opened a behind-the-scenes "dressing table" for the writers, and constantly seeking beauty is human nature.😄"

"I really like the part that it will permit unlimited content editting,"

"Unlimited editing is a fantastic idea. Between catching spelling errors and fine-tuning ideas, this will hopefully help promote quality content, which is the reason we're all here!"

Thank you, Steemit,

for at long last making this utterly essential change.

- @creatr


P.S. If you have an "in" with anybody at Steemit, Inc. - Would you please ask them to get rid of these damn, extremely annoying "off-website" arrow/boxes? The have, overnight, made Steemit ugly. There are much better solutions.

For more Steemit content, CLICK our Library Steemit Shelf.

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