We're closing in for 1st place on the Bobby Lee (BTCC) Poll just one final push, within 24 hours! We can do it!

1. If you haven't voted yet, its the least you can do for Steem and your own investment in the platform!

Getting adding to more exchanges is always a good thing as it allows more visibility for not only Steem, but your posts as well! Beyond the extra money and users flowing into the system you can be sure that more exchanges also means more liquidity, more posts, more upvotes & overall more usage of the Steem blockchain which is really the goal afterall, right?

2. This could open up a larger market for Steem in China, which is huge!

China is the largest market Steem has yet to conquer in my opinion and this could be the tipping point that changes that for the long term. Not only would we see the 'cn' tag rise to to the top of the lists, the user base would be much more active during the evenings, which is when Steem usage usually dies down as most of us are US based... so adding a more diverse user base should be a top priority in my book. So do yourself and @Ned a favor and vote for us!

3. It takes seconds, and just minutes if you need to sign up for twitter, just do it!

You have no excuse not to help, even if you don't have a twitter account, all that you need to sign up is 5 minutes and an email account, so what are you waiting for?


//Checkout my other recent posts if you missed them!

Why I believe Steem is going to a 1 Billion Dollar Market Cap within 2-3 months, with evidence.


Rebooting the Unofficial User Funded Steemit Billboard Campaigns: Starting in Washington, USA


Have YOU voted for Steem yet in the FINAL ROUND of Bobby Lee's (BTCC) Twitter Poll? If not, please do.


My Zappl-Features idea 1/2: Zappl Clouds - Hyper Focused Community Zappl Pages (A Mix of Subreddits & Hashtags, Blockchain Style)


Does your Facebook job still say you are a Steemit Blogger, a year later? Cause mine does! (Ps. Invite your friends!)


Don't forget to follow, upvote and re-steem! 

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