Have YOU voted for Steem yet in the FINAL ROUND of Bobby Lee's (BTCC) Twitter Poll? If not, please do.

BTCC (1 of China's Largest Exchanges) is looking for a coin to add, and Charle Lee's brother is holding a twitter vote to see who they should add.

Up until now Steem had the upper hand but it seems like the rest of the communities out there have caught on and are on the top of their games, as they most likely know how much help a larger Chinese community would be to their coin. This means one thing and one thing only, we need to step up our game as well. Right now both Monero and Ethereum Classic have quite large leads on us and we need as many votes as we can get over the next 6 days!

Click here to vote:

We are in the final round, your vote is more important than ever. It's either now or never.

We don't have another round, a next time or a second chance. If Steem doesn't win this poll there no telling how long it will be until BTCC decides to add another coin, and even if that happens, who says we don't lose out that time around due to a community just being more honed in to the cause. This is our one chance and we've made it this far, I'm confident we can come out victorious!

There are only 6 days left until this entire voting process ends and the winner is picked, and currently ETC & Monero are killing it. 

So my fellow Steemians, I ask that you 'step up yo game' and get voting, sharing, re-steeming and anything else you can think of to help us come out on top! This is a real good opportunity for Steem here and taking advantage of it would be super helpful for the growth of Steemit and the lively hood and liberty of everyone who has yet to gind Steemit!

So what are you waiting for? Resteem this, tell your friends, go vote with your twitter account and just maybe we can see a massive price hike from the wonderful Chinese community in the near future, it's up to you guys!

Checkout my other recent posts if you missed them!

Does your Facebook job still say you are a Steemit Blogger, a year later? Cause mine does! (Ps. Invite your friends!)


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A Steem-powered Twitter competitor is coming soon... & if you haven't got some ZAPPL from Openledger, you're doing this wrong. Invest in a piece of social media history.


Don't forget to follow and re-steem! 

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