May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Twenty First: What’s The Worst Thing That Happened To You Because Of Steemit?

Welcome to the twenty first day of the May 30 days writing challenge. If you don't know what this challenge is about, please have a look at the introductory post. Also, at the end of each article I will post the links to all the posts in the challenge (if you're joining the challenge, I encourage you to do the same). Also, if you join, don't forget to tag your post with #challenge30days and also leave a comment with the link of your post, so I can evaluate if you're one of the 3 lucky Steemians that will get a full upvote from me.

What’s The Worst Thing That Happened To You Because Of Steemit?

I struggled a bit to answer to this question, to be honest. Because, in all honesty, my involvement with Steemit was overwhelmingly positive. Not only did I learned (and applied) a lot of new and revolutionary things (configuring and running a witness node, among others), but I also enjoyed some financial benefits. On top of that, I got to hone my writing skills and enforce new habits.

So, it was all good and only good?

Alas, no. I would be a hypocrite if I would say that. And one of the things I really don't like in humans is hypocrisy.

So, there was a bad thing that happened to me and it happened around a year ago, during a so-called experiment in which whales refrained from voting. The experiment escalated quickly, because if some of the whales were keeping their voting, the others will flag, to counter-vote that effect. Something that started with a very good intention - leveling the field for minnows - evolved into a flag war. Normal users of the platform were seeing their posts flagged automatically because other players were upvoting them and had no idea why. It was a bit of a chaos.

I got so caught in this entire thing, that I decided I will leave Steemit for a while, until things settle down. Unfortunately, I got really frustrated and, at times, quite angry. Angry against the perceived lack of justice and hypocrisy of some of the people involved in this experiment. It took me a few days to get back to my regular balance, acknowledge the fact that I got angry for almost no reason, and another few weeks to come back to the platform. During this time, though, a lot of the early adopters of the platform took my stance as "rebellion" and lack of loyalty. So I lost the support of a few important players.

In all honesty, I don't regret losing that support, but getting angry. Anger is probably the most toxic emotion a human being can foster. It's not a good state of the mind and it may turn your world upside down in a second. But I did my best to learn from that experience and refrain getting caught in similar patterns.

So, what's the worst thing that happened to you because of Steemit?Leave a link to your post in the comments so I can check it out.

Previous Posts In The Challenge

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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