Some Facts About My Steemit Journey So Far. The Real Steemit Truth.

Fellow Steemians,

Instead of bashing each other, judging and blaming minnows, dolphins or whales.. Spend 2 minutes of your time and read this.. I will even do some simple calculation so you can see things more clearly.


Let me tell you this..

I've had some great success on Steemit so far.. However, the greatest success I had was in the beginning of my steemit journey.. I became a member 1 month ago. I was number 15,150. That's 15,149 people + me.

Today, there's 72,986 steemians in total. According to a nifty site by @roelandp

That's almost 5 times more members compared to when I joined steemit.. So there's no wonder great articles disappear in the flood of new content being published.

If you take a look at catch-a-whale, you'll see that there's 55 whales listed. 55 whales. Some of them are even duplicates, as some of the whales have multiple accounts..

So, without doing any major research on that one, let's say there's about 50 unique whales.

You can also see that a handful of whales haven't been online for a long time.. So, once again without doing any major research, I'd say it's about 35 unique and active whales.


We all know that whales are crucial for your steemit success. Whales have the power to bring articles to the surface and I know that most, if not all of them are doing an excellent job. They spread their votes among both new and old users.. And they do us a favour when they do that. They could easily just keep on upvoting the "usual" established author and cash in by doing that.. But instead of doing that alone, they spread their votes. They give you a chance. They help steemit to become stronger. They help authors to become more powerful.

But seriously.. 35 unique and active whales.. (Based on my brief calculation)

Out of these 73,000 steemians, I bet about 50% are making one post per day.. That's 36,500 new posts per day.


  • Can you really blame anyone for not getting enough attention on your posts?
  • Can you blame yourself for not creating good enough articles?
  • Can you blame the whales for not voting on your content?

You shouldn't blame anyone. It's just how things are on steemit.

Let's face it..

You'll need a few things to become successful on steemit.

A huge following on Youtube or twitter would obviously be good but instead of talking about all that.. I'll just tell you the most important thing you need.

  • Luck.

If you spend some time on Steemit reading established authors posts, you'll notice that some of their posts doesn't have votes from all the whales.. Some of their posts have less success than other ones they've published..

There's at least three reasons for that.

  • First of all, all of the whales doesn't like all of the posts so they don't upvote them.
  • Secondly, all of the whales haven't even realized that the post have been published, hence no upvote.
  • The third reason. Whales upvote an average of 25 posts per 24 hour period or so, so they could ignore posts due to that.

Luck & Timing is essential!


So, what can I do?

I've published 22 different posts since my last payout of more than $100. All of these 22 posts had an average payout of $4-$5. I published 5 posts before the one that hit $122 and those had average payouts of $4-$5 too..

I had a payout of $341, two weeks ago.. And if you keep going back in time, then you'll notice that I've obviously had ups & downs like most of us, but you'll notice that most of my successful posts was in the beginning of my steemit journey.

4 weeks ago, the first week I joined, I had great success several times in a row.. So yeah, it's definitely getting harder. There's more competition.. 5 times more now than it was when I first started..

And it will become even harder!

With that being said..

I still advertise and promote steemit as much as I can. I plan to launch an advertising campaign on the streets of Sweden. In two cities. I pay for the products I will give away from my own pockets..

And I do this to spread the word even more.. To bring in more people. To bring in more users.. And that will utlimately lead to even more competition..

However, it's more to steemit than the pending payouts on your best article.. - And, you won't have real success until you realize that.

I won't tell you what to post or why. I won't give you details about that. This has been done a bunch of times already and seriously.. Why should you listen to someone with $4-$5 posts..? - I'm not in a position to give you such recommendations.

I do want you to understand one thing..

If you are well-known you will increase your chances of scoring big on steemit. How you become a well-known steemian is entirely up to you.

Some of my latest posts:

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