Song of Angels - Chapter 7

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an

anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights


Song of Angels - Chapter 7

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Please read and vote for the previous chapters:

Song of Angels - Chapter 1

Song of Angels - Chapter 2

Song of Angels - Chapter 3

Song of Angels - Chapter 4

Song of Angels - Chapter 5

Song of Angels - Chapter 6

Mindy was awoken by the sound of stamping feet, the door opening, and a blast of icy air. She had slept all day. As she saw a man enter the shed in a Mackintosh coat, chaps, and a black hat she said,
“Cyrus is that you?”

Cyrus set down two buckets of water on the floor and as he turned to shut the door he said,
“It’s me Mindy, Hi.” He closed the door behind him. Cyrus carried the buckets to the kitchen basin and set them down. He turned to face Mindy and asked, “Have you been outside yet?”

“No, I felt a little weak from last night and fell asleep in this chair. It is so comfortable. But I feel much better now. I found the biscuits.”

“It is good you stayed in here. Your clothes and shoes are too light for tramping out in the snow. It is more than a foot deep with drifts two or three feet high. And it is cold out there.”

“The snow is that deep?”

“Yes but the powder will be compacted down in two or three days at the most, then it will be muddy most everywhere. Did you use the chamber pot?” Cyrus asked.

“I did.”

“I’ll empty it before it’s dark. Sky is clear but there is no moon for a while tonight.” Cyrus walked to the back and picked up the covered wooden pail, the chamber pot and went toward the door.
“My love,” he said to Mindy. “Going around in your clothes wouldn’t be good but it might be nice for you to see the new snow on the land. It’s pretty, like you, real pretty.”

“Okay.” Mindy said, and then rose zipping up her blue green parka. She followed him outside. They stood together in the dusk under the little veranda that went around at least three sides of the little house. Mindy looked out and gasped.

photographed by @jeff-kubitz

The world was perfectly covered in the powdered snow as far as she could see. The light of the setting sun cast pink-orange reflection off the snow. A tall sage poked above the snow here and there. She had never seen anything like it once she looked away from the house there were no tracks anywhere. Mindy was awestruck by the sight of the crystalline layer of perfection.
photographed by @jeff-kubitz

“It’s so beautiful Cyrus. I have never seen anything like it.” She said to Cyrus.

“Come around here while I go to the outhouse and empty this and you’ll see the sun set behind the house.”

photographed by @jeff-kubitz

Mindy followed Cyrus around the back of the house under the protection of the veranda. At the back of the house, she halted before the sight of the sun. The sky was crystal clear, no dust like the previous day, as the falling snow of the storm had washed the air. A few little clouds were around the sun lit in blazing fire. The sky was pure. Mindy whispered.

“I don’t know what to say. It’s so clear, beautiful…pristine.”

“Well, now you know why I stay here but I have to take care of this bucket, then get dinner but stay as long as you like. I’ll be back in to the house in a minute.”

photographed by @jeff-kubitz

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