How to Steemit: Both Side Alignment

How to Aling Your Text from Both Sides

Hello fellow Steemians, let's learn some new codes. It's quick, short, and easy. And best things is - it has potential to make your blog stand out! So in this short guide, I'm going to show you a little finesse called Text Justify. With Text Justify, we can make our text look well structured and neat. Like this one you are reading right now. Did you notice any difference in this text?

So this how we will apply this code:

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<div class="text-justify">
(your text)

The end. I know it's really short, but that's it. What else can I mention here? Just wanted to share this little piece with you guys. Have fun applying this code while making your posts look better than ever!

If you find this article useful, feel free to check also How To Credit Your Images and How to Resize your Image.

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2 columns
1 column