Win $20 SBD: How Has Steemit Improved Your Inner Self? + Week 1 Winner Announced. Closes July 11th.

The goal of this drawing is to share with others how Steemit has improved your inner self. By sharing these stories it will hopefully allow others to analyze their own self in ways they may have never thought of.

There were 5 participants for the How Steemit Changed Your Inner Self Drawing.

An excerpt from each post will be given below.

Each post listed multiple ways in which Steemit improved their inner self. I would encourage you to read the posts as each contains 100% Awesomeness and there is so much more to each story than what is given in the excerpts.

... from what I have earned so far the money has changed my life in helping me to do more for my family. What steemit has allowed me to earn has made me feel like I can contribute more value to my family.

This is my road to recovery, and Steemit is bringing hope back into a once broken life. I have made leaps and bounds in my path to recovery, and this platform has given me a newfound interest that I look forward to contributing towards.

Like I said in my first point that you can freely float any idea on this platform without fear, which in turn helps me or rather encourages me to write more and more. Hence my English writing is improving and I could write much more confidently than what I used to do earlier.

...As I mentioned above it has really made a true recluse out of me and I feel as though all of my knowledge and life experiences have been going to waste; until now. Steemit is the perfect outlet for me to blow off some STEEM and let the world in on my little existence.

Honestly I'm a lazy guy, I'm often scolded by the teacher because of my laziness, I'm pretty naughty. Writing ? It's so boring, BUT STEEMIT CHANGED MY LIFE I become diligent writing, I always think what should I post next, yeah my brain is running for creative.

And The Winner of 20 SBD Is....

Results can be verified at randomdrawing

Thank you all for sharing your stories. The value given to the community in these stories makes you all winners in my book!

Should we do a week 2? Let's do it!

The rules will be the same as last week.

For this post please share how Steemit improved your inner self and how that improvement helped you to bring value to the community. To qualify, write a STORY POST of at least 300 words, leave the link in the reply section, and upvote the post. The winner receives $20 SBD.

Because self-improvement is subjective, the winner will be chosen at random using This allows for the ability to give a link and password for fellow Steemians to view the result and to ensure their name was included if they submitted an entry. The link will be given in the drawing post.

Post Closes July 11th at 10:35am CST

I look forward to reading your posts and it is my desire for these posts to provoke thought within the community in regard to self-improvement. Your post may be the very post to allow a fellow Steemian to analyze something within their self they may have never thought to analyze; resulting in an increase of their value to the Steemit Community.

Sources: 1 Nevit Dilman CC BY-SA 3.0, 2, 3

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If you enjoyed this post, please upvote and follow if you desire! I mostly story post about my sobriety, family, effects of war, and the crazier parts of my life. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!

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