Top 8 Best Reasons SWAT Teams Point Guns At Babies: PART 5 of 9

To begin with I recommend you read Part 1 before you get started with today's submission.
Part 2, #8
Part 3, #7
Part 4, #6

Continuing with the raw honesty you have grown accustomed to, get ready for the ride with Number 5

#5. Fear of Hunger

Many times one of our alleged criminal yet peace loving inhabitants has mentioned to me how the SWAT team, when questioned "why are you doing this to people" their consistent response was, "It's my job. I have to feed my family". We ALL have families. This is not a good answer. Raise your hand if you have to point guns at babies and peaceful people to feed your family. Thought so. No raised hands.

Does it really make any sense that these SWAT team members are pulling in their tractor through our gate to mow down our food intended for ourselves and our children so they can feed their family? It's insane! Something very dark is going on here. These guys are pointing guns at our babies, destroying our food so they can have peace of mind and feed their families.

During the "raid" the inhabitants offered to feed the team, offered to cook them delicious food and find a peaceful manner to settle all this silliness. Our founder reminded them that he has a family whom he feeds abundantly and never once had to point a gun at babies to make that happen.

In addition, the team was invited to come back some time with their families, sans the guns, to break bread and establish community together. After all, we're practically neighbors.

Tomorrow we will continue to look at the layers of complexities of how we ended up being okay with pointing guns at our fellow neighbors' babies and destroying their food so humanity can feed their family and feel safe.

It's gettin' really deep in here, y'all.

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