Steemit – Effective Collaboration in a Global Network

We are all aware Steemit is one Global platform where there is diversity of all types, whether it is people, or cultures, or geographies or mind-sets, this is the place where we have all under one roof, and everyone is trying to move in the same direction. There is no Competition here, all we have here is support for one another...

So as I wear my HR Hat today, let’s get back to some management lessons, which if we can incorporate here we can bring in some fantastic results for the community and for ourselves...

One of the important thing I have realised here is an effective collaboration, which to an extent is a key factor for our own success.

So let’s see, what are those 3Cs that can help improve our Collaboration quotient.

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Adapting these 3 Cs can help us in our daily interactions, and having the mind set of WE>ME can help us realize our goals here on Steemit.

Together we can all support each other and grow, if required be critiques, when required contribute, otherwise just collect knowledge, have fun and STEEM ON!

One of the perfect example who incorporates these 3 Cs is the “TheAlliance Group”, and I am proud to be a core member of this group.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

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