The “I” dissolves on Steemit

It’s been around 7 months for me on Steemit, and this journey has been going smooth for me so far. I have managed to stabilize myself well here, I have built up my own network to fall back on. I have received a lot of learnings from people and a wholehearted support from people on Steemit....

To think of it was it possible all alone and the answer is simple NO.

Everyone joins Steemit with a purpose of earning and that’s the fact no one can deny, and so have I. But can I earn by myself here just creating blogs and posting it, again the answer is NO.

Image Source: Pixabay

There is a lots that goes into anyone’s success. For sure your efforts and consistency one important key. If you are here just for fun, trying to show up yourself once in a way and then keep doing the disappearing acts, you will never be taken seriously.

Setting a Goal for yourself for what you want to be here on Steemit for will be one another driving force for you, because your goal will help you keep moving ahead irrespective of the failure. Only if you have a clear cut goal, will you work on some success strategy, else again and aimless effort.

Ok so now I have my Goals and strategies sorted and I am also putting in good effort, so is that enough. Well some will say yes, and it can be if you have done some good investments in Steem power to boost up your voting power, but for lot many people who join here without investing anything then it is not enough for sure.

Then the most important thing is the support of people. For me this is the most important part on steemit.
You absolutely cannot function in silos.

What beauty I see here, irrespective of what you are, people support you in every possible way. If they feel you are genuine and you are putting in efforts they will surely promote you.

And that is where I say the “I” gets dissolved on Steemit.

Image Source: Pixabay

I really get amazed sometimes to see how people reach out to each other and give assistance. There are so many competitions that are being held, through which visibility gets easier, There are so many Interviews being taken again to give light to people, so many education series which constantly keeps guiding you what you should do, what you should not and how you can grow. All this is being done to support each other.

People help you build skills for long term success, they encourage you to come up with better ways of doing things, there is access to all the information that you would need, you feel connected if you yourself are and you have options to focus on your priorities. While you grow, you also ensure that you are assisting others in the journey, that’s the beauty of this place.

And that’s where the “I” gets dissolved when you think beyond yourself.

Whatever you need is all out there in a very robust way, all you need is a commitment. So go all out for it and prove yourself.

If you still lack motivation, you can also check out my Interview with @Hopehuggs on my personal success story on Steemit.
My Steem Super Stars Interview with Nainaz Tengra

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

My other blogs of Interest

Can a HUG Keep us Healthy
Help your Children build up their Learning abilities
Love is Oneness - Love Liberates

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