What have YOU done for our newbies lately?

I'm pretty sure most of us are in agreement on atleast one thing: To make Steemit great, we need to keep adding more members to it.

Header sunrise

In this, the amount of new accounts isn't as important as the amount of active members. We're seeing a lot of new people signing up to the platform. What's important now is to keep these people active. These new accounts are useless if the new members don't see any value in this platform and decided to return to their other social media accounts. You know, where all of their friends and family are.

Now, I am convinced that the overall attitude of our community is great. It would not be a lack of kindness that disheartens these new members. What I've noticed mostly are two things:

  1. I don't know how this all works.
  2. I feel invisible.

Number 1 can be battled by writing some informational posts. I've seen these popping up everywhere and they are generally well received by our new members. I've seen many Thank you's on mine.

Number 2 is an ongoing battle. We all need to pitch in here. Don't stick to welcoming a few members in their introduction posts. Follow them if they share the same interests. Comment on their other posts. Give an upvote or two. You don't have to use your full voting power. Heck, I've been forced to scale down the percentages with all the upvoting I've been doing lately. Just try to make them feel heard.

On the flipside, I think our new members have to realise that it takes some time to gather a following here. We've all been through it and the more people join, the harder it is to get noticed. So to new members, I give the same advice: Comment! Comment on interesting things. Get a conversation going. This gets you noticed!

Ofcourse, getting even more new members in is great too. Bring your friends over. You surely won't go unnoticed then! Why hang around on Facebook if you can gather some crypto here by basically doing the same thing. Well, except for the fact that ideally, Steemit requires more quality in posts.

Anyway, I started this by asking what you have done for our newbies lately. Let's start with me, seeing as this is my post!

I've been trying to take some time to welcome new members through their introduction posts. When they share content I find interesting, I follow them. Besides that, I've been trying to do a bit more commenting.

I have also written a few informative posts. From old to new:
The currencies of Steemit- A flowchart (15 days ago)
About followers and upvotes (10 days ago)
The many faces of Steemit (7 days ago)
About self-promotion (3 days ago)
About resteeming and how I maintain my blog (2 days ago)

I also highlighted some new Steemians:
Some new Steemians
New Steemians part 1
New Steemians part 2
New Steemians part 3
New Steemians part 4
My two favorite articles of new Steemians
New Steemians part 5

What have you done to give our new members a warm welcome? Any tips for your fellow Steemians?

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