Beginners Guide To Getting Started With Steemit (REVISED), by @shayne || 4. Be mindful who you follow

4. Be mindful who you follow

Honestly, if you like someone's content, follow them.

This isn't really a hard-and-fast rule, but it's something that works for me in terms of making it easier to find good content to upvote and comment on.

One of the most useful things about your following list is that these are the people that will show up in your "home" feed, and you can get notifications from them. This is very important because if you follow powerful accounts you will know right away when they have posted, which means you'll have an edge in reading their content, upvoting it, and leaving a great comment right at the top of the post.

If you find someone in the "hot" or "trending" tabs that you really like, follow them, and be active when they post.

It is also important to follow up-and-commers: minnows who are doing all the right things and are posting great content.

Here is the list of people that I follow and why I follow them to get you started. They are all great accounts for doing exactly what I'm talking about, so follow them. Some are artist, some are bloggers, some are YouTubers, some are developers. All are good.

  • @acidyo
    Solid crypto advice, Steemit curator, friend.

  • @akrid
    Solid Steemit community member. Great for content and resteems.

  • @andrarchy
    If anyone has their finger on the pulse of what's happening here on Steemit, it's this guy.

  • @ausbitbank
    Family man, Steemit curator, and developer of the Steemit tools I use the most. Vote for him for Witness.

  • @barrydutton
    Crypto watchdog, campfire hoster.

  • @bitcoinmeister
    YouTuber extraordinaire, personal friend. Rock on, Adam.

  • @cassidyandfranks
    Anti-FUDster and crypto watchdog.

  • @citradelica
    Personal relation to be revealed at some point... maybe.

  • @clevercreator
    300 IQ active community member. If you want support, befriend her and be honest and loyal.

  • @dwinblood
    Developer, capitalist, parent -- was one of the first people I met on Steemit.

  • @elementm
    One of my followers who just said too many interesting things to ignore.

  • @eugenesun
    Friend and fellow game developer. (Still figuring out Steemit)

  • @frankbacon
    A man of many memes.

  • @fulltimegeek
    The sapiential STEEM supporter. Wants to see humanity liberated. Follow him to have your mind blown.

  • @furion
    Steemit developer and Witness.

  • @gavvet
    Top-notch content creator.

  • @gigafart
    Fell in love with the name.

  • @hanshotfirst
    Another quality content creator

  • @jerrybanfield
    YouTuber turned Steemit superstar.

  • @jonny-clearwater
    Personal friend, game developer, t-shirt producer.

  • @kevinwong
    Expert memester and super-smart Steemit journalist

  • @klye
    Steemit developer and Witness. Likes weed.

  • @kryptik
    Just some asshole. Promises to write you poetry, never does.

  • @kus-knee
    The old dog! One hell of a Steemit supporter.

  • @lordvader
    The best satire blogging on Steemit. 100% recommended.

  • @lukestokes
    One of the most positive Steemit users I know. Great commentor.

  • @michaelstobiersk
    Interesting blogger and frequent commentor.

  • @ned
    Steemit CEO. Just follow him.

  • @neoxian
    On the bleeding edge of Steemit innovation.

  • @papa-pepper
    The man with the plan! THE example of how to do a Steemit blog.

  • @pashelleclarke
    Potential up-and-comer.

  • @peqnp
    My game development partner and childhood best friend! :D

  • @redhens
    Another up-and-comer. Often leaves very insightful comments.

  • @sidwrites
    This is a guy who figured it out quickly!

  • @steemitqa
    Steem is going to the moon, and @steemitqa is riding it with pizza in hand.

  • @steevc
    A real' solid blogger and comentor.

  • @stellabelle
    Always authentic and a little bit nutty.

  • @sykochica
    Community leader and podcast host.

  • @thedegensloth
    Developer of @zappl, the app that will destroy Twitter.

  • @trafalgar
    Satirist. Holy COW this guy is on FIRE!

  • @zappl
    Official account for the app that will destroy Twitter.


Follow me @shayne

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