A Steemit Post from 2045

Hey Steemit. Its been a while, a long while. I guess I haven't had a post in a very long time. Are any of my followers still active? I'm too afraid to check. Life happens, I guess. New media, new jobs, house, kids, new priorities. Life gets pretty busy pretty fast. Only now am I getting a chance to slow it down. I'm about to retire and Steemit has had a large part in that!

Wow! I must say, I love this auto-image option. It auto-selects images and auto-sources them? That makes things so easy. Heck, the entire new interface is amazing. I'm so glad you guys have Aug-Reality support.

So, what brought me back? Actually, a conversation with my stuffy old financial advisor. Everyone knows you need a diversified portfolio. That used to mean just stocks and bonds spread across big and small companies, but the default stance these days is stocks, bonds, and a healthy amount of crypto. Even in the "safest" portfolios, crypto is encouraged in various percentages. Its an shocking difference from the speculative and crazy world currencies used to be. What was was 'the future' is now just 'the mundane'.

Well, my advisor and I started talking about the crypto side of things. I've got a healthy Bancor ETF as part of my 401k, but I remembered that I also had a Steemit account back in the day. So, that is what drew me back after all these years. And I am so glad I did.

I'm glad to see this community is still alive, global and hyper-active. I think I remember seeing how famous Steemit got a few years ago. It was all over the news and prices were spiking. But, I think I was teaching my kids how to sign up for their first car-as-a-service around that time! Its amazing how much things have changed, both for Steemit and the world. Ugh, I feel like I'm jumping into one of those 'up-hill both ways' rants.

Can you believe that no one really has to learn how to drive anymore these days? Driverless services are everywhere.

Well, the point of this post is to celebrate that I can retire early simply because of my Steem account. I was never a whaleshark or megawhale or any of the highest end tiers with millions of followers, but I got a healthy audience, and I had a few great years of posting content and interacting with the community. It was a great back and forth. I still remember some of my most amazing vacations included meeting up with folks that I only met on Steemit beforehand!

Anyways, today, I did the unthinkable. I began to power down. I guess I never did before because I simply forgot to. I never wanted to Power Down when I was active. I believed in the platform and waned to support it. But, now that I have wrapped up. I figure its finally worth doing.

Can we believe are up to Star Wars 70? I mean, its a little absurd. I tend to prefer the Old Empire stories, personally. So, that might make me a Luke-ite, but I'm okay with it.

And what a Power Down its been. I've got so much value wrapped up in Steem Power that I'll be able to enjoy a much better retirement, and an early retirement at that, than I ever thought possible. The fact that it pays out slowly is actually a boon. It provides a source of income as I settle into a fixed income kinda life. On that note, its am azing how easy it is to spend Steem and SBD directly with a smart-wallet. It was 1 QR code simple. "Back in my day" we had the crazy markets and conversion process.

Heck, this was fun - reminiscing, looking back at posts (even my old poetry... I guess the blockchain really is forever... yeeesh.)

It was even fun writing something - for whichever of my followers are still active these days. Perhaps I'll keep going while my wife and I travel the world. We were going to RV it around and visit the grandkids, but with these sudden wave of Steem, we may just upgrade to a boat and yacht around the world. I mean, with Augmented Skype and tele-location, we hang out with the family all the time anyhow.

Heck, I might even have enough to put my Steem account into a Trust for the kids. Ha, and my wife said my blog wouldn't ever pay for anything.

Don't watch the remake. Its horrible.

Till next time Steemit!

Notes: Thanks for reading. I mentioned to someone that Steemit was a long game and decided to have fun with a post from the future. I can easily imagine coming back to my Steemit profile after some time and discovering the value of powering down akin to retireent account. Anyway, its a fun vision, and I hope we can make it come true.

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