Just Say "Steemit Is Beautiful" And Believe It And It Is Yours; "50 Steem Bounty" In Not More Than 4 Seconds!!!

Now is the time to re-solidify our conviction about steemit and its technology, strengthen the conviction of our most amazing newbies and especially repaint to the world out there, that 'steemit is beautiful' beyond measure. 

It is that simple. We fretted about all the recent events, mostly because, we started to entertain fears, about lose our new found home and property. "We love steemit!"

The technology is there and if it is crumbling @dan, will definitely come to fix it. 

"I am not post, I am not voting, I am resigning" doesn't mean nilch". 

Dan is human; he reacts! And as for what he means, he hasn't really mentioned. 

He resigned? "People come out of resignation!"

The news has spread like wildfire and not that Dan resigned but that steem technology crashed.  Yes, that is how it sounds on the outside and even to newbies. 

Other cryptocurrencies are skyrocketing. The world out there knows nothing about our experiments or the model of steem. They see the headlines and are triggered. "Not everyone makes patient decisions". Sometimes hastier decisions can be smart. "Steem has crashed"; is what they see and what they react upon!

We can fix this and now is the time! 

We need to make some real noise again. Let the trends pick us. Let the media pick us; re-put us on the news and limelight, for free! 

"Day after; steemians go positively gaga and Dan comes out of resignation". 

There is a reason you are here. You where looking for something when you found steemit. 

Why you joined steemit, is not the same reason, you joined Facebook! 

For this bounty; we will talk about steemit, in our very own words, again and again! We will re-awaken ourselves to memories of how we found steemit and why we are here till now, inspite of all the ups and downs?

"Why did you leave and return after a month, even amidst all the flagging and whales and bot-talk?" 

@mynameisbrian: Never doubt it; Brian knows his name and he is back!

 Hello Steemit! I'm back 

@riskdebonair; is clinging to steemit, like to a pole. He ain't leaving!

 Sorry Steemit, but I'm quitting, maybe mayhap perchance perhaps peradventure

@surfermarly is hitting steemit with great tides with her #theeverydayproject 

 The Everyday Project - Bundling forces to rebuild (e)steem [day 1]

There must be something about steemit, that brings you back!

You can't help it? "You just love steemit; that is why you just can't explain it"!

It is time to retell ourselves in our own words, what beauty we find in steemit and its technology. This is exerted action; digging; brainstorming; but on one topic; "Steemit is beautiful".

In this moment we will re-tell ourselves and dig exertedly within ourselves; to re-tell ourselves! 

We will re-see 'steemit in its beauty' and this is instantly contagious! Our friends and families on Facebook will see it; Twitter will see; YouTube will play it; and news will carry it! 

Our very own newbies, will feel good and that again is very, very contagious as the whole world of non-steemians will see it! 

In reality, what is steemit without us! "So let's mine steem, with our minds" and take it places. Now is the time!

50 steem bounty for: 

Do a short YouTube of yourself etc, talking of how you found steemit; why you have stayed till now and features of steemit, that you haven't seen anywhere else and finally why people should join steemit now. 

Well, you will have to believe it! 

Then write a post including your video in it. In your own words, tell us why steemit is beautiful. If you are techy, paint to us the beautiful aspects of its technology and why you will ensure to ensure its growth. 

Again, you will have to believe these things! 

Ofcourse, a post is paramount, so if you can't do a YouTube video, you are still a participant! Create you post with an infograph, GIFs or whatever media you know, that may constitute viral shareable media, online and offline. Basically, tell us of why '#steemitisbeautiful' and why others should join now. Be confident!

Share this post to social media; whichever you are on but this part is optional! 

You still have a chance at our tiny bounty as a result of your post alone. The media content is there to allow media sharing platform like YouTube, 9gag, Facebook etc with its own traffic, to hear of us right now, more than ever before!

Let me tell you something great but before that lemme take a selfie; no let me tell you the words of  @nanzo-scoop:


"It is easy to over-estimate how many people know about STEEM. And of those that do know it, to under-estimate how little they understand it.
Let’s get the simple message out there as much as we can:
STEEM is Free, it's Fun... and you've got nothing to lose!" @nanzo-scoop

Here are my words:

After this post, I am going back to posting regular posts. I mean, doctor @thecryptofiend has gone back to posting as usual:  

Stress and How to Take Control of It

@donkeypong is doing his thing again:

 Coyotes: American Natives Without Borders

I will follow in their path but in the meantime for this bounty and for re-highlighting to world out there, steemit's beauty and especially now when it appears shaky, here is what imma say:

Blog posts related to "social network built on blockchain" is still a small niche. I know how many times I have searched, using the above search string on google.com 

Yes, there is akasha, synereo, golem etc but none of them is up and fully running yet. 

Steemit may well have waited to come out fully organized, developed and banging; but where would we be, if that be the case. Has it not been a more fun experience, going through this hassle stories with steemit, from the very beginning plus all the benefits added; in this short time of steemit's existence?

And that tiny steem-gift in our wallets; will be in empty space and discussion of it, will never leave our lips! 

We are glad to be here, to witnesses of its ups-and-downs. We will witness it, till its breakthrough! 

If there is one percent chance, we exercise 99 percent faith?

Faith in steemit? For the most part, faith in our gifts and abilities and in that steemit, will falter to our bidding and skyrocket to success. 

Wait! Aren’t we the ones mining steem, with our minds? 

The technology is there, so mine!

Hahaha, do you know how to mine one dash coin! I wrecked one PC and I haven’t successfully mined any other crypto-coin and held it. Can’t you see?

@lily-da-vine can't use paypal.com currently, because it uses the banks. "Steem is there and has started fixing things even in beta! 

People will say akasha or golem or mention one out there. If they are in beta, you’ll like only have test coins and not the real valuable cryptocoins and "oh how much of you resources, will you have used": Akasha will practically drain your internet. 

Tell m; if steemit was not in existence, then; which one is out there, even close; "I mean 'social network on a blockchain". None! 

And don’t forget on akasha for instance, you will pay for every action! 

Name any one! 

I have researched and read and read and that niche is blank! I talk in the vision of a non-techy and non-crypto and I can already see this. 

How about the beauty of giving and receiving? I have never seen it easier! Steemit is still in beta and this works. No fees! 

And gosh, how about the community. Forget earning; how many people, I mean people, can give you 20 steem in real life; Or say, 2 USDs in the entire world of the internet out there? 

How many people out there on the internet, will not look at you and say in their minds, he is from India or Philippines or Africa; he is inferior human? Go out there again and see. I have seen @infovore becomes celeb here on steemit or @firepower, heartily celebrated, no questions asked! I have seen @sweetsssj be Queen and steemians, enjoying her prowess! 

What if the steem token was tied or internal to steemit and cannot be used externally or exchanged to cash and the only thing you can do with it, is interact; build connections and spread love, internal to steemit; put smile on people’s faces; isn't that still luxury on today’s internet?

 What if it is all internal and we cannot get the cash out, won't we stay here still, even for the possibility of exchanging services, learning and drooling at the sight of great minds etc. I mean, have i seen people stunned by the genius of @ned and @dan. Didn't i just see people want to follow the genius of @dan and become danalites?

 Luxury, luxury, luxury!

 I tell you, every time; 'learning is earning' and not to lie; do you know how much more you have learn in this short time, that steemit has been in beta? 

If you are janitor in real life and a steemian, then forget it, you are no longer that non-steemian peer of yours, who is a janitor; you have advanced! How I mean it is, you have probably learned that "Asian poopers, do pooping better then western poopers because the squat"; something that your peer non-steemian janitor doesn't know! 

Be steemian, and you are rehearsing CEOism! 

If you can even thrive on steemit, you are some genius! I was dead lost when I got on here! I knew nilch! 

So now is the time! Get our small bounty; 50 steem, right now! You know, it won't take 4 seconds; the entire transaction time required to send you your steem gift, so try it! 

50 steem, looks small but steemit teaches us how to receive as well. We now value that 0.01 cent so much. 

50 steem for doing what fulfills you, is giant! 

If it is still not that big; do not spend it it! Keep it for 1 year and I will ask you how much it is, after that.

Or perhaps, just spread the love: Break it down into 0.25 steem and spread this new found love, to 200 steemians and see if you won't get 20 thank-you(s) and one trickle of tear, into the tiny bottle labelled "tears of joy"!

Before we review the simple steps for the participating in this tiny cause, to paint the internet with the beauty of steemit; lemme remind you, of some other special things that we have here; which is luxury:

image source/credit to: @nanzo-scoop 

image source/credit to: @nanzo-scoop 

3 steps! 

1. Do a short YouTube of yourself, talking of how you found steemit; why you have stayed till now and features of steemit, that you haven't seen anywhere else and finally, why people should join steemit now. 

Well, you will have to believe it! 

2. Then write a post on the same topic and include your video in it. In your own words, tell us why steemit is beautiful. If you are techy, paint to us the beautiful aspects of its technology and why you will ensure to ensure its growth. 

Again, you will have to believe these things!

3. Ofcourse, the steemit post is paramount! If you can't do a YouTube video as highlighted in step one; it's all good; you are still a participant. 

Create your post with an infograph, GIFs or whatever media you know, that may constitute viral shareable media, online and offline. 

Basically, tell us of why '#steemitisbeautiful' and why others should join now. Be confident!


Share this post to social media; whichever you are on! 

You still have a chance at our tiny bounty as a result of your steemit post alone, plus, i am very sure that people will support this tiny cause, thus, your post, heartily! 

The media content in your post, is there to allow media sharing platforms like YouTube, 9gag, Facebook etc with its own traffic, to hear of us right now, more than ever before!

NB: Facebook allows, I believe, up to 10K characters in a status update, so your entire blogs, can go on Facebook and Facebook prefers this, more than links. So use your hashtags and keep your posts public. 

You can either post the text of your post as a feed update or just share the link. Too, you can share your media on its own. This is optional but encouraged. 

Share your posts, however on social media. 

Again Step 3 is optional. 

Ultimately, love what you are writing in your post. 

I tell you, though steemit was built to maintain anonymity, the irony is; 'the sound of human on it is very clear'; emotions are laid bare!
Steemians are with great minds; they read between the lines. thus they know of context;see the bigger pictures and apply more of there 5 senses. 
When you love your post and feel it, others will see it! Let go! Feel free. 

Interact on your post as the 50 steem or more, if the bounty grows; goes to the post with the highest number of votes and highest number of individual comments! 

Your post must win in both upvotes and individual comments. Downvotes and potential payout are not going to be factors. 

If your post gets to have the highest number of upvotes; it most also have the highest number of individual comments at the same time. So a post with 50 upvotes and 50 individual comments, will win it over a post with 300 upvotes and 10 comments etc

There is small catch though! 

For now because I can't afford much and mostly because I want many steemians to join this cause especially now, the bounty will take effect, once there are 10 participants. 

"This is subject to change though". 

For less than 10 participants, you will keep the earnings from your post. I will follow you and we will discuss, to start a small team of strong steemians, that will support each other, from now till steemit skyrockets and eternity. 

Overall, there is no loss. True long lasting connections; one goal; growth and ultimately learning. Learning is earning! 

This bounty will be up for grabs for one week, giving room for it to grow bigger than 50 steem and i will all yours. It starts at 50 though but see the bigger picture!

NB: If i am able to have some additional steem from my earnings or some external support to increase the bounty, the bounty will still take place, even if there is only one participant.

 Ofcourse, if there is only one participant, he/she will win the bounty. I do wish i had more but i will with time!

Hearty additional shoutouts to: 

1.  @onceuponatime who heartily leads the way in the comments, positively inspiring steemians who remember the beauty of steemit.

2. @tfeldman; I so hope you participate as your beautiful comments, already constitutes foundation, for the type of post we are looking for:

I think we all need to take a step back and say "why am I on here?" It does not feel good to get downvoted and lose money...yes of course....it has happened to me. I was the top trending post at one point and was dropped down by about 60 bucks. That is not why I am here.Money gives us an extra incentive to not only live more comfortably but also gratification of doing something good for a community.Facebook achieves this with likes (and they pocket all your monetary value). We see plenty of posts about how much greater this is than facebook but as soon as the money is cut, are people really more satisfied being here than Facebook? People spend all day on there to receive a thumbs up! Here the money adds some juicy icing on the cake...whether its 5 bucks or 100.... but it's still superficial. I'm looking for real people..real connections...real life...many of which i have found on this site for sure!Money is not my incentive but it is good to have. If you plan to quit because of the "experiment," then is it because of the percent money you lost like many have? Is the money what is keeping you here, and if so, what message are you sending to your supporters with that?I respect your animosity towards this unchecked aggression, but I also feel some cheapness in your response to it.I agree that the "experiment" can leave a nasty taste in the mouth, but does that destroy Steem and this community? I don't think the majority of my followers would budge because of this little chaotic shindig.I invite you to stay and to contemplate your reasons for wanting the Steem community in your life.I think your intent is good, and you clearly write some sound posts... but I think your response to the aggression shines light into the imperfections of humanity..... 
Thank you for the response. You are correct, I haven't hit hard times like that and I'm sorry that is the position you are in. However, I also believe people in your position also go on Facebook whether they should or not for their situation because they enjoy it.....not for the money obviously. That is my hope for steem at least. And if the vision is beyond money that is where the value will rise because of perceived value is greater. The pot of steem will feel longer to boil if you are staring at it,waiting for the steem to rise. If you plan the ingredients of the meal, the steem rises pretty easily and with a perceived less time. @tfeldman

3. @williambanks who is consciously looking to make steemit great:

 How to make Steemit great again in 5 easy steps! 

4. @nanzo-scoop:

 You must have mistaken STEEM for something else...

5. @exyle who definitely knows what he is doing:

 I just powered up 10000+ Steem and it’s all because of the experiment.

6. And ofcourse, we all know the pepper man and papa; @papa-pepper:


7.  @liberosist:

Observations on Abitgate

8. @surpassinggoogle; yes, that's me and this is what i have been up to on the side:

 "unMEAN sTWEETs" Began And It Is A Steemit Giving And Receive Party!

'unMEAN sTWEETs an initiative, with help from @papa-pepper, @benjojo and @kus-knee. It will have a new post tomorrow!

No pressure, your video can be simple; so no sweat! 

To hear you out in a post, is what is paramount, and especially for you, us, the newbies and non-steemian spectators out there, waiting to act.

Sample video:

Ofcourse, you can share this video!

So participate! Write a post and use #steemitisbeautiful! Talk about your feelings towards steemit and why you are here and why you are still here and why it is beautiful and why people should join, then add some media, which can be a video of yourself or any media or amazing graphic, summarizing your post and leave your link here in the comments or i will find it, as long as you use #steemitisbeautiful, in one of the tags. 

Kindly re-steem this post for visibility and if you are not able to participate, please free to mention steemians who may be interested, within the comments, underneath this post!

Your boy Terry


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