It's Not Even An Issue Of Copy/Paste; "How About You, Create Something That Nations Of The World Seek To Copy/Paste?"

Does The History Matter On Steemit?

Many may say; "forget regrets", "forget the past" etc but on steemit the reverse can very much be the case. I will touch on the past just a bit as it is becoming important to.

The Past

Here are few things that didn't exist:

  • As many help chat rooms as there are now
  • As many minnows, whales or dolphins to help as there are now (There was to help you identify when whales are around on steemit)
  • Vote bots as there are now
  • Vote delegation as there is now
  • As Much peace and calm as there is now
  • As Many communities
  • As Many guilds
  • As Many contests
  • As many learning resources (Mostly only the whitepaper) 

What existed? 

  • Few whales with very large power.
  • Ups & Downs (From flag wars, steemcleaners & cheetah were so strict, reward pool got empty etc)
  • Curation guild (Mostly curie and at times when @curie visited, you could only get close to 25$ and only for a period because once your rep rises a bit, you lose eligibility. No earning for me, even up to month 7!)
  • Flags (Flag button was almost a toy; even whales accounts could get (- rep))
  • Fears (Flag-fears alone sent several users out of steemit for months, only for them to return when hard-forks adjusted matters)
  • Bots (Bots are awesome today and very helpful! However, before a hardfork that fixed matters, bots had most of the curation rewards as they always got to posts faster than human curators.)
  • etc

Too, steem was as low as 7 cents. Let me take you back to my first post voted upon by Ned Scott here! Then look at a comment from a steemian, who located that post today, in the person of @ambmicheal:

I am imagining the tons of comments and upvotes this might have generated if you have actually made something like this now....

Yes! It would have earned a whooping amount today with steem at more than 1$ and perhaps even more, because while you may focus keenly on the SBD amounts underneath posts, there is so much more to it! There is visibility involved too and triggers to exposure, potential, opportunities and maybe auto-votes etc. 

So you may instantly fret about the SBD amount the post gather even with Ned's vote but maybe my affinity was for the other things!

So was i deterred?

Hahaha a fat NO. i was minnow only based on stats, but i was "whale" myself. 

Too, everyone was whale to me, by my standards. Look here; in reality, even that tiny minnow that you aren't celebrating much after looking at his steem wallet, may have 500 bitcoin somewhere and can easily become whale the next day and if you where here in the past, you will understand this so fully; where someone bullies a minnow for being minnow, then the minnow reappears as whale the next day.

You know the story!

There is more! If you live in the real world, you will also know something "connection". Hahaha, one could be minnow but could be connected (brother, friend, partner, relationships) to all the whales. 

A whale is a whale, stats or no stats!

You Get The Picture

"So why do i have to check your wallet!" Hahaha, i am more keen on the human behind the steemian because like i said just yesterday:

 And when it comes to SBDs, its not necessarily about the amount of SBDs; it is more about the substance of the human behind the SBDs. 

"And if i am not looking at your wallet, why would i do my post to attract you?"; This was me as a minnow!

And if you have had chats with me, you will have known, that i would give your hours and pieces of me, whether you are minnow or whale! 

I won't jump up with joy cause a whale came to visit me in chat, except i jump up with joy as well, that a minnow came around! 
Hahaha, you know i will always celebrate you!

Too, my posts do many other things e.g a means to keep my dreams and innovation ideas alive in dream-bits. 

Hahaha, i am also leaving legacies; impacting others; developing myself; flexing my innovative muscles; creating visions; helping others build their dreams; stirring community; teaching; instilling in others, inciting others to positive actions; rehearsing CEOism & a time when i will be able to poke the earth from its outskirts with awesome happy vibes etc

I wasn't attracting Ned; i was marveling myself! 

If you start to marvel like crazy, at the work of your hands (your creation), then "greatness" erupts!

Even as minnow, my DM chats where getting flooded with chats and the questions to me where very different because these amazing steemians wouldn't ask, "how do i succeed on steemit?"; instead they would ask: "Terry, how can i be like you?"

Note that i was minnow but they were keen on being like me! 

Then, i would do hours in chat with them explaining the theme: "You are whale to me!" but just before they leave, my concluding theme is:

To be like me, you will have to stubbornly be YOU.

So you see; it so so so pleased me that time, that Ned voted for me but the real satisfaction was in that:

He marveled at something, that marveled me! 

Then comes my next advice to many steemians, when they ask me, "how do i become really impacting using my post?":

The moment you start to be shockingly marveled by your own creation, then you are doing great things and people get drawn in, towards greatness.

One more thing: By means of my post involving Ned, I was learning about myself, from another person! 

To develop in your substance, you may need mirrors! 

"Steemit hubs a community of reputable great minds, who are incessantly mining with their minds"; a ton of valuable mirrors!

I did something similar as was the case with NED, more recently in a @stellabelle-related post.

Then look at some more history:

Why did i write about Ned? 

I had my own model of a social network before i found steem. It was my gift to the developing nations. One that gives room even to spammers and sifts the good from the not-so-good; one where "abuse", even "flags" were heavy words; one that is filled with forgiveness and love and where IP locations wasn't a "relevance factor"; with gamification that applies a "behavior paradigm"; then i got on steemit and its steem blockchain had a very similar model to mine, so i landed and stayed!

But a major factor resulting in my staying solidly, apart from steem being just the best blockchain ever, is; "the human behind the steemian" and in this case Ned. 

I don't read "lines" in general, i read "between lines" and try to grasp underlying concepts and all i had, to accomplish this understanding of steemit & steem at the time, were blogs of Ned and this was my path to identifying the substance of the human behind this awesome being; the staunchness and span of his vision as well as his dream and why it was conceived. I wasn't reading whitepapers! 

I didn't read whitepapers but i tell you; "i may understand it better than you who knows it verbatim!"

The true state of the heart are in the tiniest elements of it! So if were dating you, i may get into your heart in a week, because i won't be asking you very obvious questions like: "do you smoke?"

What am i saying?

You can read this: 

What if there was no one on Mama Earth and it was all only YOU? Would you just wake up each day, awaiting the "falling mango" to munch on it or would you discover "gravity"

Won't you at least leave indications that "YOU WERE HERE" at least, so that if aliens fell from Mars, they will at least they won't go back bragging that they were the first to discover earth?

"Adam named all the animals!" He didn't accomplish that feat, just sitting down in one place breaking coconuts! He had had to explore, study, learn, share and i tell you, he had no audience, not even Eve; for Eve came later! 

Did he even know, that there will be more than 7 billion people today? Plain NO. 

He create a legacy, which is in use today! and if he impressed or attracted anyone; well, he was the only one in existence!

So why look for help? Why not be your help? Who says you can't push things yourself? 

Who says, you can't bring you own community of 500 friends and have them all power up, till each has 1000 steem and in a few months, have to 500k steem power that you can call your own?

What if you were on steemit in the past, when the reward pool went dry for a month and people lost their potential payouts prior to the fork?

Ofcourse, we all are bound to seek help but what when there is no help, do we have to get hurriedly deterred? Aren't there a ton of other reasons to create content? and please remember the history of steemit as seen above. 

There are a ton of minnows today, who have been here in the past, are still here and are even being buried and forgotten, for they have not earned; so why jump queues? 

Even if you are the most genius person in the queue, do you jump queues? 

What's Copy/Paste? 

"Are others longing to copy/paste your own work?" That should be the case! 

Create something that nations of the world want to copy/paste. That is the route to go! 

Many newer steemians get @cheetah visits but alas, it is not a bad thing! @cheetah grew heart and it has only visited, to teach you how to create content that others round the world, will long to copy/paste: hot cake stuff!

How to post researched content?

It is so easy! If you need direct help, simply contact me here! 


  • Look for your resources; then read, study, learn, develop/evolve; then share what you have learn with us; in a bid to lead, teach, impact, save, create a movement, stir change etc
  • Paraphrase well; i.e write your perception or thoughts on an existing topic!
  • Place URL reference to all your resources at the bottom of your post and render credit appropriately.

To find nice samples; visit @steemiteducation or @steemstem to see what participants do there!

"In general, these are the best times on steemit!"

@steemcleaners and @cheetah are currently in their most human-mode and in their recent post here, you will see the procedure for appeals, even if you got blacklisted for abuse, like incessant copy/pasting, plagiarism etc

Basically, you allowed to appeal with a chance of redemption, after you have behaved well, posting and commenting for a week. So don't despair much, if you have been called upon by them; just let's get to work more!

Ultimately, don't lose your "freedom" as you need your freedom to succeed on steemit.

@cheetah grew heart and same applies to steemcleaners. If they visit your posts, it is in a bid to teach! 

It's Not About Evading Cheetah either

Well, the aim shouldn't be to evade cheetah. That is stressful and not very much fun and when you are too conscious about it and with entertained fears, you will easily fail at it. 

The mindset to adopt when you write a researched post is this:

Awww, this is a topic i have always been interested, let me read about it; BUT it shouldn't be just about reading! How about reading it because you want to evolve; develop in your substance etc so there has to be learning involved! 

You should be your first audience!

Then, teach what you have learned!

For images that aren't owned by you; use, etc as they are many pictures on there, allowed for commercial use etc. 

If you are used to google, bing etc you can get free-to-re-use pictures as well. Simply looking for the search engine filter and adjust it:

Click on advance settings and scroll down to "usage rights":

In every case, mention URL source for the image because this tiny-looking effort, gives even curators more freedom to upvote. e.g even when your images are from; curators may not be sure about your image source, if you haven't mentioned it and may be reluctant to upvote. 

Too, curators have a responsibility and a reputation to uphold as well. 

In my case for instance, @steemcleaners come to me in the DMs, to mention some of these cases and i have had to explain to them, that i will be more careful in my next rounds of curation.


Even when a tag is getting curation efforts and upvotes, you can still choose to stay staunch on your route and lead there. "Mentality" is key! 

Always aim to have an edge!

If you need to post under a niche tag, do it for YOU, because you like the topic; because you want to learn, evolve and impart and not because you want to attract others. 

Simply put, be attractive even to yourself first and you will draw people in! This is a more testimonial route! The harder route but the more testimonial route!

Overall, my case is very different. I look for the good even in the not-so-good, so if you copy/paste my work, go for it! It will pride me to know that you give my work that much value. 

You can only take the words but the intention, vision & dreams are spanless and remain intact in the head and mind that produced them. 

If the vision is great, broad and intact, then why haste or shake; there is no completion; there has never been!

Your Boy Terry



My community effort is part of what i do as a steemit witness, thus, the use of the hashtag (witness category).

If you would want to vote for my witness, click here, then type in"steemgigs" in the first search box! You don't need voting power to vote for a witness!   


Consider choosing @surpassinggoogle as your proxy, to help you with choosing your witness votes. To do this, visit then type in "surpassinggoogle" in the proxy search box as seen below!    

  Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly:  

Everyone has something to offer!

 @sunnylife's display of love 

 Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly:  

Everyone has something to offer!

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