Thank you everyone for being my 1,000 followers and more importantly loving what you find that you love through steemit!
Starting out like most everyone with 0 followers and 0 STEEM I have persevered to over 1,000 followers sharing STEEM through interacting through along with many people, projects, ideas, business, investing, tokens, podcasts, #beyondbitcoin hangouts, and more, and more to come! I look forward to many more followers, posts, comments and what not through interacting in our new found steem lives! Would also like to take a moment to share some posts related to me or things I like and/or work with my growing involvement with many people in a wide variety of businesses, ideas, projects, thoughts, and more. Also read about numerous bitshares User Issued Assets I work with, giveaway, and/or provide some market updates.
Thank you for the appreciation & opportunities! Check out and get some of these tokens and current crowd sales! Also…
Thanks Everyone, MrWang, Viva , Zappl, Bitshares, Steem(it) Gigs and Shop - Get Tokens, and Check Out Crowd Sales
Big Thank you to @fuzzy for inviting me to join Beyond Bitcoin Hangouts which has lead to so much more!
Covered this Hangout @peerplays Join the Crowdfund! Check out the Peerplays Homepage for…
E206 2017-05-12 Beyond Bitcoin - PeerPlays, Zappl, Gridcoin, Virgrow ad WhaleShares!!
@virtualgrowth's comment may be voted on to speak earlier during the next Beyond Bitcoin Hangout #207 here:
Beyond Bitcoin Hangout #207 - 5/19/17 (Guest Signups)
Virtualgrowth speaking about VIRGROW, Zapple crowd sale, Wangchange, Viva Coin Virtualgrowth talking on Beyond…
Virtualgrowth on Beyond Bitcoin #206
Dear @VirtualGrowth, Thank You. Back in the day, long before internet, one would send a thank you letter for kind…
A Thank You Letter to Virtual Growth by @jacobts
Wanted to say a Big Thank You to @jacobts for openly sharing true self expression of gratitude as himself...…
✉ ✍ Namaste and Thank You JacobTS (and many more) ✍ ✉
Found myself working with & helping ZAPPL. Please feel free to read more about ZAPPL & make get yourself some ZAPPL tokens if interested (after you do your (own) research / due diligence).
Zappl Is Over 90% Funded!!! Less then 3800 Zappl left. by @zappl
Since many users have asked us to make a video of the site here you go. We also listed detailed plans of development…
Sneak peak video of Zappl
This is exciting! There is a breakthrough new coin that has the promise to offer major benefits not...
VIVA: New digital currency with breakthrough health care benefits added by @terrybrock
Vote for your favorite and leave your bitshares user name for giveaway. Check recent prices for steem(it) bitshares…
Steem, BTS, and Asset Market Update 5/16 and Giveaway for 5/23
Leave a comment with the list of foods you have eaten today to play in this new "Steemit Health Daily Food…
Steemit Health Daily Food Game - Read and Comment to Play! - Prizes of 13 STEEM for Players
Here is the Steem Factory Mining Report for the week ending 5/12/2017. This report details the cryptocurrency mining…
Steem Factory Mining Income Report - 5/12/2017 - Earned $131.11 by @steemfactory
Last week we published our Steem Factory Report . Today, we sent the weekly reward of STEEMFACTORY tokens to the…
Steem Factory Weekly Rewards - 5/12/2017 - Are you on the List?
Continuation of an ever changing evolving idea of some kind of decentralized fund Virtualgrowth, VIRGROW, & vGX…
Virtualgrowth's VIRGROW as some form of decentralized fund
Now's the time to buy some WANGCHANGE with BTS Right now, it's available around... If you don't know already...
WANGCHANGE is ONLY 4000 BTS per Token by @mrwang