What might we like to eat, do and talk about in addition to mentioned activities? Brainstorming ideas and raising traveling funds.
Having been invited by @stellabelle to attend her STEEMY SUMMER PARTY IN MISSOURI IS ON: JUNE 24, 2017 4PM-9PM, I am looking forward to meeting everyone there! Have offered to help with the event I would like to ask what people may be interested in. Be sure to check out the original post to get an overall idea so far.
Make sure to have a steem(it) account to join! Please be sure to leave a comment on stellabelle's post to RSVP so a head count may be made to ensure the right amount of food. There is a pool reserved so make sure to bring a bathing suit.
Dinner will be provided. Most likely it will be Mexican food. We will eat outdoors.
After dinner people can swim in our private pool, socialize, explore the woods in our community or just talk about how cryptos are m00ning.
Ambitious people could talk about how we could potentially convert my community into the first crypto village. We have the infrastructure to do this. (This is one of my dreams).
Would love to offer to assist with this idea having knowledge and researched about smaller community ideas and projects along with being involved in the Boy Scouts for many year which in and of itself is a small community of it's own.
Looking for help
Will be looking for help with this event in the following ways:
- People to help prepare food and clean up.
- Spreading the word.
- Creating a video/film of the event.
This post is my way of spreading the word since we all have some variation of followers. I will be arriving early to help out with things.
Looking for a place to stay; with someone or on my own
I will be seeking lodging and thought I would ask if I may be able to stay with someone. Or possibly travel with anyone for the next day with a place to stay over potentially. Anyone may let me know if they are interested. Otherwise in the meantime I will look into my own lodging until I hear ideas from others.
A word about the community where the event will be held and its design:
The community hosting this event is called Harvest Hills. It’s a Christian community and therefore comes with a number of rules. The pool has rules as well, and the main ones are no smoking or drinking inside the pool area. There’s no lifeguard, so you’ll be responsible for yourself and/or kids. Drugs are not allowed as this community is not a hippie commune or anything like that. Imagine how you would conduct yourself if you visited an Amish community. Harvest Hills is not Amish, but anyway, you get the idea. It’s an intentional community and I will be responsible for all guests. I want to be as straightforward as possible about this in order to avoid problems. If you’re wanting to party, get wasted and act like an idiot, etc., this is not the event for you. I was granted permission to use the church community center only after I spoke to the church leaders and they learned what Steemit is about. I have a real world community reputation, as well as a Steemit reputation. Keep that in mind.
You may read more about some of the history of the interesting place we will having this even on @stellabelle's original post.
Mostly we will be eating dinner and hanging out in a pool. Thought I might ask if people had some ideas of what we might like to talk about along the lines of what has been mentioned or other ideas from those who will be attending.
Lastly @jessamynorchard has agreed to sing and perform. So you may check out more about here:
Art and creativity are alive in Eureka Springs, Arkansas!
[Field Trip] Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas: (HUGE Steemit gallery includes: Picasso, Warhol, Lichtenstein, Rockwell, Basquiat, and more)
Steemit-Exclusive First Listen: New music from Electronic Cassette "Reflections (in-process demo)" [composed entirely on iPhone]
Lastly something I could entertain talking about as I have done a bunch of research of such interesting things...
How Ancient Aliens, in a sense, helped to resolve my crisis of faith...and other out-there thoughts