Tarot Tuesday: 4-24-18 Edition

Hello Everybody!

How is your Tarot Tuesday coming along?

Ask me a question in the comment section or via email you would like me to throw cards or Runes at it.

Check out my recent posts for ideas on what to ask and what to expect. All I do is gauge the energies of your question and do my best to empower you to make the best decisions you can make for yourself and the rest of manifest existence.

See below for menu and instructions.

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Painting by @reinhard-schmid

I am now on #Instagram as Aleph_Tav_Heh


#TEAMGIRLPOWA Poetry Contest

@teamgirlpowa is currently having a poetry contest:

Feminist Fire is about strength. It’s about an unflinching look at our feelings. It’s about not denying our own emotions, but using them instead, using them to change the world. To change minds, to affirm ourselves and our sisters, to speak into the universe this truth: “I am here.” Feminist fire is a tribute to women’s power. It announces that we are done lying to ourselves and each other, that we will express ourselves however we damn well please. Feminist fire is about sharing our truth, no matter how messy it is. It is about unapologetic women and passionate women and women who own their realities. It is about women who reclaim their power, and it is about the beauty and fire of a woman’s spirit, and it is about speaking aloud what must be spoken in order for us all to be free.

You can read my entry here. I submitted the following:

How I do Tarot readings at home.
Painting by Nikolay Tomachev

From Malkuth to Binah

I cultivate that inner Fire
and offer that
energy from
my Hell Rose

Comment of The Week

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The comment of the week goes to @whiteheart. This line from the poetry contest instructions was quoted several times.



I applied for the @aakom community and got accepted. Instructions on how to apply can be found here and my application can be read here


Menu & Instructions of The Week

Simple One Question Reading
I will cast and analyze three Tarot cards for your question.
If the answer is unresolved, I will cast one follow up question as shown here.

Special for the SteemIt community
This week I can do three readings for three different individuals like this for FREE.
Any additional questions I can cast for 1 STEEM/SP, 3 SBD or donation.
(I take crypto!)
Email me your question or comment below.

General Reading on a Topic or Question
Hexagram readings as shown here are currently available via donation.

Custom made
Email me for details and a price quote.

Live Reading
Available via phone, in person, Skype, or Discord.
Email me for details and a price quote.

Note: We can do the reading via email and keep your query completely private without posting the reading on my blog. I keep a cryptographic email address to help protect our privacy.

Ethereum: 0xa7fa75858bcc13EC7F3c71dd73cb5b87F35B07d7



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